Friday, December 14, 2012

Enhanced Police Presence at Tucson Schools

Along with the rest of the nation, the Tucson Police Department would like to extend our sympathy to the Newtown, Connecticut community.  Although the tragic event of this morning appears to have been an isolated incident, and no similar type of actions or threats have been made in our community, the Tucson Police Department will increase its presence at or near schools throughout the City of Tucson.  These resources will remain in place for an undetermined amount of time.  Contact has been made with administrative personnel at each of the different school districts having schools within the city limits of Tucson to advise them of the enhanced police presence. We have also solicited information from them regarding any concerns that they may have.  

Chief Roberto Villasenor directed the enhanced presence at or near schools as a precautionary response here in Tucson.  Beginning this afternoon, citizens can expect to see the increase in police presence, especially as the children are released from school for the day.  Patrol officers as well as Solo Motor Traffic officers have received specific direction to maintain an increased presence around as many schools as possible in their assigned areas throughout the remainder of the day.  Again, there are no indications at this time of any threats to any Tucson schools, and this increased presence is merely precautionary in nature.

Be assured that we take the safety of the community very seriously, and we are prepared to maintain the safety of the most vulnerable of our residents at all times.  We want to remind our community to live your normal lives, without apprehension but remain vigilant.  Keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings, and please do not hesitate to report any suspicious activity to police immediately.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bike In A Box

Dear Family, Friends, and Business Associates:

Christmas is just a few weeks away, and with today's continued economy struggles and increase in family needs for the less privileged, your financial help is needed.

The 4th Annual Bike In A Box event to benefit under-privileged children with a new bicycle and safety helmet will occur on Sunday, December 16, 2012. However, in order to purchase the 500 bicycles, we need to raise $25,000.00. Your contributions are tax deductible so please consider one on the levels of sponsoring bicycles for this worth cause. Please download the attached contribution form to sponsor a bicycle or other levels of sponsorship listed.

We will be live in studio on The John C. Scott Show on Thursday, November 29th and Friday, November 30th, KVOI - 1030 AM radio for a two-day event. You can listen to the program on your computer, just click on the upper right hand corner "Listen" link and call in your pledge or just mail it in.

Thursday, November 29th
Time: 4 to 5 PM

Friday, November 30th
Time: 4 to 5 PM

For information on this years event, please visit our website at

"Years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I made a contribution to the life of a child." author, Forest Witcraft.

It will be a challenge to secure the funds this year, but with your help, I am confident that we will again meet our goal of raising the $25,000.00 to purchase the bicycles.

Merry Christmas,

Jesse Lugo
Lugo Charities Inc.
Bike In A Box

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cherrybell Post Office Update

We have received some good news from our federal lobbyists about the Cherrybell Post Office.

It had been announced on several different occasions by the Postal Service that Cherrybell was scheduled to close by February 2013.

Thanks to Congressman Barber, Grijalva, the Mayor and Council advocacy, Tracy Tucker and our federal lobbyists, businesspeople such as George Kalil of Kalil bottling and all concerned citizens who have spoken out on this issue, the Postal Service have pushed the date back to May 2014.

This gives more time for federal legislative action on the postal system and for Cherrybell.

Our efforts will continue to Tucson and Southern Arizona’s postal processing center open for the 1.8 million citizens and 23,197 businesses it serves.  This is a victory in this long battle which has not reached its conclusion.

Happy Thanksgiving

Councilmember Richard Fimbres and his staff wants to wish everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.  The Ward 5 Council Office will be closed for Thanksgiving and on Friday, November 23.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Thanksgiving Day holiday will be observed on Thursday, November 22, 2012. Residential and commercial trash and recycling will not be collected on Thursday. All City of Tucson residential and customers with regular Thursday or Friday service will have their trash and recycling collection delayed by one day. Holiday collection schedules are available online at The Los Reales Landfill and the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility will be closed. City offices will be closed on Thursday, November 22, 2012, however, customers may leave a message for Environmental Services Customer Service at 791-3171 or submit a service request at and they will be contacted no later than the next business day. Customer Service will be available on Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. of the holiday week.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Trash Pick Up - Veterans Day Holiday

The Veterans Day holiday will be observed on Monday, November 12, 2012.  Residential and commercial trash and recycling will not be collected on Monday. All City of Tucson residential and commercial customers will have their trash and recycling service delayed by one day during the holiday week. Holiday collection schedules are available online at

The Los Reales Landfill will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 12, 2012.

City offices will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2012, however, customers may leave a message for Environmental Services Customer Service at 791-3171 or submit a service request at and they will be contacted no later than the next business day. Customer Service will be available on Saturday, November 17, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Ward 5 Newsletter - October


El Regidor del Distrito 5, Richard Fimbres a presentado una resolución para la consideración del Alcalde y los Regidores de la ciudad para pronunciarse en apoyo del Acuerdo a la Suspensión del Tomate.

El Regidor Fimbres solicitó se incluyera en la orden del día, después de la reciente visita a Tucson del Gobernador de Sinaloa, Mario López Valdez. Las conversaciones entre el Gobernador y la Ciudad de Tucson incluyeron el Acuerdo de la Suspensión del Tomate y las potenciales ramificaciones económicas de este acuerdo, que ha existido por 16 años entre los Estados Unidos y Mexico.

El Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos,  hizo oficial la intención de rescindir el acuerdo,
el 2 de octubre, por medio de la publicación de un aviso de intención en el Registro Federal. El Departamento tiene nueve meses antes de tomar una decisión final.

“El Comercio de México con Estados Unidos y Arizona es muy importante, y si este acuerdo se rescinde, el precio de mercancías y productos comestibles, no solamente el tomate,  subirán de precio  a través del aumento de aranceles.” Señaló el Regidor Richard Fimbres.

“ La Industria del Tomate aporta $3.5 billones anuales para ambos países y es un negocio de un billón de dólares para la economía del comercio de Tucson, el Sur de Arizona y para todo el estado. Continuó Fimbres, diciendo “Los consumidores han dependido de este acuerdo  para asegurarse que los tomates son una parte integral de su dieta.”

El Regidor Fimbres afirmó que, “En el 2011, sólo el Estado de Arizona importó más de $6.2 billones en productos y mercancía procedente de México.” “Si este contrato es suspendido o revocado, dañará la economía de ambos lados de la frontera, situación que no podemos darnos el lujo en estos tiempos económicos.”

“Más de 110,000 empleos dependen  del comercio con México”, comentó Fimbres, citando información proporcionada por el Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos y el Buro de Censo de Estados Unidos. “Es importante que todos tomemos medidas para proteger estos empleos.”

Los Senadores de Arizona Jon Kyl y John McCain, así como el Congresista Raúl Grijalva, Ed Pastor, Ron Barbe, Paul Gosar y Ben Quayle han escrito cartas en apoyo del acuerdo al Departamento de Comercio de los Estados Unidos. El Alcalde de Tucson Jonathan Rothschild también ha escrito  una carta dirigida al Departamento de Estados Unidos, instando a defender el acuerdo.

“Este no es un asunto partidista, sino de economía”, dijo Fimbres. “No podemos darle la espalda a la economía global actual, hay mucho en juego y demasiado que perder si este acuerdo no continua.”

Este memorándum estará en la agenda de la sesión del cabildo, del 7 de noviembre, para su discusión y consideración de acción.


The dedication of the Arroyo Chico Detention Basin Project took place on Friday, November 2, 2012.

This was the third phase of an effort which started with the construction of the Randolph South Detention Basins in 1996 and the Cherry Field Detention Basins in 2008.

The City of Tucson, Pima County Regional Flood Control District, Tucson Unified School District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Los Angeles District worked to complete these three projects in part to help the neighborhoods in these respective areas deal with flooding issues that had occurred previously, resulting in flood damage to some houses while forcing most homeowners to purchase expensive flood insurance for being in a flood plain.

Ward 5 Councilmember Richard Fimbres expressed his appreciation for the work and effort on these projects by the governmental entities.   He is glad the Arroyo Chico Detention Basin Project is done and hopes it meets its goals of helping with the rainwater and alleviates potential flooding problems that averaged more than $3.0-million a year.

Fimbres went on to express his appreciation of City staff involved with the project and for those neighbors and neighborhoods who have worked on these projects and took part in the City of Tucson Citizen Advisory Committee’s which had been set up, so that those most affected would have a voice over these projects.  The first being the Park Avenue Detention Basin for which in 1998, came up with the 18 points approved by the Tucson Mayor and Council in 1998.

“Thanks to these neighborhoods, from Broadmoor to Barrio San Antonio, Miles to Barrio Anita and El Presidio to Dunbar, other voices had been a part of this process, from the initial discussions by the City of Tucson Mayor and Council in the early 1990’s, through its completion,” Councilmember Fimbres said.  “Sometimes there were delays, but it was the neighbors and neighborhood associations, through their activism and their participation on advisory committees kept the projects intentions focused, something I salute them all for their commitment and for speaking out when needed.

Councilmember Fimbres went on to acknowledge his predecessor in the office, Steve Leal and his staff, for their work on the Arroyo Chico Detention Basin Project, as well as for the second phase – the Cherry Field Detention Basin.  “Councilmember Leal and his staff, including Mary Fimbres and Abe Marques are to be commended for their commitment to bettering the neighborhoods and businesses in the area with the efforts for Arroyo Chico and for the Cherry Fields Detention Basins.”

Fimbres also thanked the Army Corps of Engineers for their work and the federal government for providing funding for the Arroyo Chico Detention Basin, as well as for the Randolph South and Cherry Field Detention Basin Projects.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


TUCSON BOULEVARD EAST WARWICK CASTLE LANE OVERPASS Council Member Richard Fimbres and the City of Tucson invite the public to join them in dedicating the “Welcome to Tucson” wall mural on Tucson Boulevard and the East Warwick Castle Lane Overpass. The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. on the west side of Tucson Boulevard, just under the pedestrian overpass. This mural was made possible through the efforts of 80 volunteer employees of McDonald’s Restaurants who worked for four hours and donated $6,000 to the art project. The volunteers partnered with Tucson Clean & Beautiful, the Tucson Arts Brigade, Esperanza School and the Cherry Avenue Neighborhood Association. This beautification project is a continuation of targeted cleanup and beautification projects on key corridors throughout the City, working under the City Manager’s Clean City Committee. Previous projects were at Irvington and Tucson Boulevard and Grant Road and I-10. Residents planning on attending the dedication may park at the Esperanza School.

Bring Back the Splash - Finalist for Common Ground Awards

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Health and Safety Fair - Oct. 20

The Ward 5 Office is spearheading a Health & Safety Fair this Saturday, October 20th from 9-1 PM @ Ocotillo Learning Center @ 5702 S. Campbell Avenue.  The fair will provide Car Seats, Booster Seats & Bike Helmets to the families of Ocotillo Learning Center.  We have teamed up with the Tucson Fire Department & Tucson Police Department to teach classes. With a grant from the Tohono O'odham Nation we were able to purchase the car seats, booster seats & bike helmets.

CM Fimbres, CM Romero, CM Cunningham and Mayor Rothschild will be there, as well as a representative from the Tohono O'odham Nation, and the Sunnyside Unified School District.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


TUCSON,Ariz.- Sun Tran, KGUN 9 News, and Sam Levitz Furniture have partnered to sponsor a one-day “Stuff-the-Bus” event benefitting EMERGE! Center Against Domestic Abuse.  The event, which will be held on Friday, October 19, helps promote Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  A Sun Tran bus will be located at Sam Levitz Furniture’s eastside location at 100 North Pantano Road.  Donations will be accepted from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Those who wish to contribute are asked to donate the following needed items: used cell phones, grocery store gift cards, new towels, baby wipes and diapers.  Additionally, any cash donations will be matched by the Arizona Lottery up to $10,000.
“Sun Tran employees are happy to participate in this event to benefit individuals and families in crisis in our community,” said Sun Tran General Manager Kate Riley.  “The donations collected will help meet the basic needs of those in the program while they focus on healing.”
Sun Tran is operated by Professional Transit Management (PTM)/Veolia and under contract with the City of Tucson.  With more than 600 employees, 40 fixed routes and a fleet of 243 buses, Sun Tran’s mission is to work together to improve the community’s quality of life by providing safe, efficient, reliable customer-focused public transportation.


City of Tucson Parks and Recreation and Pima Community College East
Campus present, Zombies in the Desert, Saturday, October 27, from 4-7
p.m. at William Clements Center, 8155 E. Poinciana Dr. A fun filled
night of tricks and treats. Cost is $3 per person, all ages are welcome
and children one year and younger are free. Children under the age of 12
must be accompanied by an adult. The fee includes: admission wristband,
haunted house, hay ride, entertainment, carnival games, story telling,
art projects and costume contest. Food will also be available for

Co-sponsors of the event include: Pima Community College, Dulceria
Funland, Buckelew Farms, Peter Piper Pizza, Funtasticks, and Wendy’s.

For more information please call the Center at 791-5787

Saturday, October 6, 2012

F. Ann Rodriguez has been one of the leaders in the fight to keep the Cherrybell Post Office and processing center open. She has filed formal complaints, both written and verbal to the U.S. Department of Justice as well as the U.S. Postal Service about this decision, since this would adversely effect the vote by mail process for which she helped institute in Pima County, as well as the process used by other counties in the State of Arizona. F. Ann also sees the bigger picture with the potential decision and the negative consequences of closing Cherrybell for Tucson and Southern Arizona, something she included in her complaints and efforts. Since taking office in 1993, the Pima County Recorder, F. Ann Rodriguez modernized the Recorder’s Office through computer technology and system upgrades for immediate and precise retrieval of important documents. This includes digitizing all the historical records prior to statehood that are on film and microfiche and digitizing old maps and deed books beginning in the early 1900’s into our computer system. F. Ann initiated the legislation that was passed into law for citizens to be on the Permanent Early Voting List. This law was implemented in 2008 to allow any registered voter in the State of Arizona to sign up and automatically receive vote-by-mail ballots for all elections. As of July 1, 2012 the Permanent Early Voting List has been requested by 271,333 Pima County registered voters. This represents 58% of all the registered voters in the entire Pima County. Although the Permanent Early Voting option is very popular, F. Ann has established early voting sites strategically located throughout Pima County so that those voters who wish to vote in person, but still vote early may have that opportunity. So when you receive notices to vote early for a specific candidate, remember the person who helped to initiate this process, F. Ann Rodriguez. Cast her vote for her and visit her website Photo To donate to her campaign, go online to or make a donation to: Rodriguez for Recorder, PO Box 6006 • Tucson AZ 85703.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

El Pueblo Center Update

POWER AT EL PUEBLO ACTIVITY CENTER SCHEDULED TO BE SHUT OFF MONDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Parks and Recreation administration has been advised that the power for the activity center on the El Pueblo campus at 101 W. Irvington Rd, will be shut off from noon to 4 p.m. on Monday, October 8, 2012, due to an electrical circuit upgrade that is vital to the main power supply. KIDCO will be relocated to the other buildings for the afternoon. For more information please call the West Park District at 791-5909.

Plan Tucson Meeting Schedule

The City of Tucson is revising its General Plan (as must be done every ten years), which addresses areas such as land use, transportation and infrastructure, and other City actions. In order to create a Plan that addresses citizens' needs and concerns, Plan Tucson has been hosting workshops, presentations, and other events to gather citizen feedback that can be plowed back into the Plan, which will then be presented to the voters. Note that while this is similar to what Imagine Greater Tucson has been doing, they are two distinct processes. Workshop schedule: (A) Friday October 5, 1:30 - 3:30 PM, Community Resources Center, Sentinel Building, 320 N. Commerce Park Loop 85745 (B) Saturday October 6, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, El Pueblo Regional Center, Seniors Center, 101 W. Irvington Road 85714 (C) Monday October 8, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Westside Police Service Center, Multipurpose Room, 1310 W. Miracle Mile 85705 (D) Wednesday October 10, 6:00 - 8:00 PM, Palo Verde High School, Cafeteria, 1302 S. Avenida Vega 85710 (E) Saturday October 13, 9:30 - 11:30 AM, Police Midtown Substation, Multipurpose Room, 1100 S. Alvernon Way 85711 Since we will all be impacted to some degree by the resulting General Plan, try to attend a workshop and ensure your thoughts and ideas are part of the data inputs. More info at

ADOT I-19 Update

*Guardrail work on northbound Interstate 19 south of Tucson Wednesday* The Arizona Department of Transportation will close the left lane of northbound Interstate 19 between Esperanza Boulevard and Duval Mine Road from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, for guardrail repair. The schedule is subject to change due to a variety of reasons, including weather, availability of materials, and mechanical difficulties. ADOT advises drivers to proceed through or near work zones with caution, slow down, and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

President Obama to Establish César E. Chávez National Monument has been created.

*President Obama to Establish César E. Chávez National Monument* On October 8th, 2012, President Obama will travel to Keene, California to announce the establishment of the César E. Chávez National Monument. Years in the making, the monument – which will be designated under the Antiquities Act – will be established on the property known as Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz (Our Lady Queen of Peace), or La Paz. The La Paz property is recognized worldwide for its historic link to civil rights icon César Estrada Chávez and the farm worker movement. The site served as the national headquarters of the United Farm Workers (UFW) as well as the home and workplace of César Chávez and his family from the early 1970’s until Chávez’ death in 1993, and includes his grave site which will also be part of the monument. “César Chávez gave a voice to poor and disenfranchised workers everywhere,” said President Obama. “La Paz was at the center of some of the most significant civil rights moments in our nation’s history, and by designating it a national monument, Chávez’ legacy will be preserved and shared to inspire generations to come.” From this rural headquarters in the Tehachapi Mountains of Kern County, California, Chávez played a central role in achieving basic worker protections for hundreds of thousands of farmworkers across the country, from provisions ensuring drinking water was provided to workers in the fields, to steps that helped limit workers’ exposure to dangerous pesticides, to helping to establish basic minimum wages and health care access for farm workers. The National Chávez Center, in consultation with the United Farm Workers of America, the César Chávez Foundation and members of César Chávez’s family, offered to donate certain properties at La Paz to the federal government for the purpose of establishing a national monument commemorating César E. Chávez and the farmworker movement. This designation will represent the culmination of a process that has been underway for several years. The César E. Chávez National Monument will encompass property that includes a Visitors’ Center containing César Chávez’s office as well as the UFW legal aid offices, the home of César and Helen Chávez, the Chávez Memorial Garden containing Chavez’s grave site, and additional buildings and structures at the La Paz campus. The monument, which will be managed by the National Park Service in consultation with the National Chávez Center and the César Chávez Foundation, will be the fourth National Monument designated by President Obama using the Antiquities Act. He previously designated Fort Monroe National Monument in Virginia, a former Army post integral to the history of slavery, the Civil War, and the U.S. military; Fort Ord National Monument in California, a former military base that is a world-class destination for outdoor recreation; and Chimney Rock, which is located in the San Juan National Forest in southwestern Colorado, and offers a spectacular landscape rich in history and Native American culture. First exercised by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 to designate Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming, the authority of the Antiquities Act has been used by 16 presidents since 1906 to protect unique natural and historic features in America, such as the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, and Colorado's Canyons of the Ancients. ### Spanish Translation *El Presidente Obama establecerá el Monumento Nacional a César E. Chávez* El día 8 de octubre de 2012, el Presidente Obama viajará a Keene, California, para anunciar el establecimiento del Monumento Nacional a César E. Chávez. Este monumento, que lleva varios años en proyecto y será designado bajo la Ley de Antigüedades, se establecerá en la propiedad conocida como Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz, o La Paz. La propiedad de La Paz está reconocida en todo el mundo por su conexión histórica con el ícono de los derechos civiles César Estrada Chávez y el movimiento de los trabajadores agrícolas. Este lugar ha sido la sede nacional de la Unión de Trabajadores Agrícolas (UFW, por sus siglas en inglés) así como la casa y centro de trabajo de César Chávez y su familia desde principios de la década de 1970 hasta el fallecimiento de Chávez en 1993, e incluye su tumba, que también será parte del monumento. El Presidente Obama comentó que, “César Chávez les dio una voz a los trabajadores pobres y despojados en todas partes. La Paz fue el punto de partida de algunos de los movimientos de derechos civiles más significativos en la historia de nuestra nación y, al designársele como monumento nacional, se preservará y se compartirá el legado de Chávez para inspirar a las generaciones futuras”. Desde esta sede rural en las Montañas Tehachapi del Condado Kern en California, Chávez desempeñó una función clave para lograr las protecciones básicas para cientos de miles de trabajadores agrícolas en todo el país, desde disposiciones que garantizaban que se les proporcionara agua potable a los trabajadores en los campos, hasta medidas que ayudaron a limitar la exposición de los trabajadores a pesticidas nocivos, hasta ayudar a establecer los salarios mínimos básicos y acceso a cuidado médico para los trabajadores agrícolas. El Centro Nacional Chávez, en consulta con la Unión de Trabajadores Agrícolas de América, la Fundación César Chávez y miembros de la familia de César Chávez, ofreció donar ciertas propiedades en La Paz al gobierno federal con el fin de establecer un monumento nacional para conmemorar a César E. Chávez y el movimiento de los trabajadores agrícolas. Esa designación representará la culminación de un proceso que lleva varios años en movimiento. El Monumento Nacional César E. Chávez comprenderá propiedad que incluye un centro de visitantes que contiene la oficina de César Chávez así como las oficinas de ayuda legal de UFW, la casa de César y Helen Chávez, el Jardín Conmemorativo Chávez que contiene la tumba de Chavez, y otros edificios y estructuras en el recinto de La Paz. El monumento, que estará bajo la administración del Servicio Nacional de Parques, en consulta con el Centro Nacional Chávez y la Fundación César Chávez, será el cuarto monumento nacional designado por el Presidente Obama bajo la Ley de Antigüedades. Él designó previamente el Monumento Nacional Fort Monroe en Virginia, una antigua posta del ejército que fue integral a la historia de la esclavitud, la Guerra Civil, y las Fuerzas Armadas de EE.UU.; el Monumento Nacional Fort Ord en California, una antigua base militar que es un destino de clase mundial para recreación al aire libre; y Chimney Rock, que está ubicado en el Bosque Nacional de San Juan en el suroeste de Colorado, y ofrece un panorama espectacular repleto de historia y de cultura americana nativa. La autoridad de la Ley de Antigüedades, que fue ejercida por primera vez por el Presidente Theodore Roosevelt en 1906 para designar el Monumento Nacional de Devils Tower en Wyoming, ha sido usada por 16 presidentes desde entonces para proteger las características naturales e históricas exclusivas en EE.UU., tales como el Gran Cañón, la Estatua de la Libertad, y el monumento Canyons of the Ancients en Colorado.


The City of Tucson Parks and Recreation would like to invite you to ceremony and unveiling of the Mike Dawson field dedication sign at Bristol Park. Who: Family and friends, neighbors of the Barrio Centro will remember Mike Dawson and his legacy as football player for Tucson High, the U of A Wildcats, and the National Football League (NFL). What: Unveiling of the new dedication sign for the Mike Dawson field at Bristol Park. When: Saturday, October 13, 2012 – 3:00 p.m. Where: 1720 S. Bristol Avenue Additional: Mike Dawson was raised in the Barrio Centro and grew up Information: playing football at Bristol Park. He passed away in 2008. He will always be remembered for his career and accomplishments in football.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ward 5 September Newsletter

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dispose a Med Event - Sept. 29

Another Dispose-A-Med Day (National Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative) will take place on Saturday, Sept. 29 from 10AM to 2PM. Tucson Police Department Santa Cruz Substation, located at 4410 S. Park Ave. is sponsoring a drop-off event where the public may dispose of their medications and prescriptions safely. (Santa Cruz Substation is located at NW corner of Park and Fair; entrance into parking lot is off of Fair.) This is a great opportunity for those who missed the previous events, or who have subsequently accumulated unwanted, unused prescription drugs, to safely dispose of those medications. Materials not eligible for the Dispose-A-Med day event are liquids and sharps. LPKNC, along with Arizonans for Prevention and CODAC, are partnering with TPD on Dispose-A-Med Day by helping provide information on substance abuse. Many thanks to TPD Operations South Santa Cruz Substation for sponsoring a site and to all the groups partnering with TPD.
Greetings, I hope the year has served you well. The Downtown Parade of Lights is just around the corner! It's time to start brainstorming ideas for your entry in the 18th Annual Parade of Lights in beautiful Downtown Tucson. Each year the parade is growing, we are seeing more elaborate entries and bigger crowds that really bring the holiday spirit to Downtown. This year the parade will take place on *Saturday, December 15, 2012, 6:30pm *. Please take a moment to review the attached entry form and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You can download the form and return it via email, fax or mail. We are working on finalizing the route and will get that to you as soon as possible. Entry forms are due Friday, November 30th. You can find more information about the parade and Downtown Tucson at There are events happening all day December 15thincluding a visit from Santa Clause at the Historic Train Depot, the movie *Polar Express* showing at the Fox Theatre, entertainment at Hotel Congress and a plethora of dining and shopping. We're looking forward toward your participation and attendance at this year's parade and please enjoy our exciting Downtown Tucson! Brandi Haga Downtown Parade of Lights Event Coordinator

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Tucson City Councilor Regina Romero & Faith Community Representatives Invite Public to Forum on SB 1070 with Police Chief Roberto Villaseñor Tucson City Councilor Regina Romero and a diverse coalition of faith-based community representatives are inviting the public to a forum on the City of Tucson’s response to SB 1070. The forum was established following Mayor and Council’s declaration of Tucson as an “Immigrant Welcoming City” earlier this year. Part of the resolution, which passed by a 6-1 vote, established a public dialogue on racial profiling and the implementation of SB 1070, as well as what it means for our community. The forum will be held on Tuesday, September 25th from 5:30 - 7:30 pm at Most Holy Trinity Parish, 1300 N. Greasewood. Tucson Police Chief Villaseñor and City Attorney Mike Rankin will discuss SB 1070 and what it means for public safety and the City of Tucson. Individuals will have the opportunity to ask questions, including what our rights are under the law. What: Community Forum in Response to SB 1070 When: Tuesday, September 25th 2012 - 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Where: Most Holy Trinity Parish, 1300 N. Greasewood The forum comes days after Judge Susan Bolton lifted of her original injunction on SB1070, allowing section 2b of the law to go into effect. This section is knows as the “papers please” provision, and has been considered one of the most controversial conditions of the law. The U.S. Department of Justice and civil rights groups have both set up hotlines to document racial profiling, and are asking individuals to report the violation of civil liberties. The DOJ hotline phone number is 1-855-353-1010, and the email is The ACLU hotline number is 1-855-RESPETO or 1-855-737-7386.

Hispanic Heritage Month Continues

(The following is a reprint of an oped written by Councilmember Richard Fimbres.) Hispanic Heritage Month Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America. As we work to honor Latino culture this month, we should reflect on what makes Latinos unique and such a strong contributing force in America. Latinos across America have made countless positive contributions to our military, education, the arts, the economy, and the social fabric which makes America unique. With 50 million Latinos across the United States, Latinos now make up the largest minority group and represent nearly $1 trillion dollars in buying power. Latinos also represent the fastest growing segment of the American electorate. In Arizona Raul Castro served as our first Latino Governor for the state. Ed Pastor was the first Latino elected to represent Arizona in the U.S. Congress in 1991 and today, there are two Latinos in Congress, Ed Pastor , Raul Grijalva and we have an opportunity to send our first U.S. Senator to Washington in Richard Carmona. In Tucson and Pima County, Latinos have sent a strong message by turning out to vote and leading the state in the number of Latinos that have been elected to governing bodies such as the State Legislature, Pima County government, Tucson City government, local school districts and Pima Community College. Latinos are a sleeping giant which needs to make the long term investment, by registering to vote and casting their ballots to empower our families and our neighborhoods. The 2010 U.S. Census showed the Latino community grew by four times the national average, accounting for more than half of the total U.S. population increase of 27.3 million. Between 2000 and 2010, the Hispanic population grew by 43 percent, or four times the nation’s 9.7 percent growth rate. As we increase our population, we should increase our participation at the polls. In Tucson, during the 2011 election, which was conducted as an all, vote-by-mail, turnout increased in the South and West sides, where a majority of the Latino community resides, by 36 and 27 percent respectively. The sleeping giant is awakening in the Old Pueblo and now it is time to do so in the rest of Arizona. During this Hispanic Heritage Month, let us reflect on where we have been but not lose sight on where we still need to go. President John F. Kennedy stated, “Ask not what you’re Country Can do for You, but what you can do for our Country”. The best thing we can do for our country is to register and Vote. (Richard Fimbres is the Councilmember for Tucson’s Ward 5, and has been in office since 2009.)

Friday, September 21, 2012


On the November ballot, Tucson voters will have an opportunity to consider Proposition 409, which will allocate $100 million in General Obligation Bond funds to improve the condition of City streets. Bond funds will be used to restore, repair and resurface streets inside the Tucson city limits. The public is invited to learn more about Proposition 409 at one of three open houses: Monday, September 24, 2012 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Randolph Clubhouse, 600 S. Alvernon Way Wednesday, September 26, 2012 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Quincie Douglas Recreation Center, 1575 E. 36th Street Thursday, September 27, 2012 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Udall Center, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road At each public open house, City staff will provide a brief presentation beginning at 6:15 p.m. Following the presentation, participants can visit several stations that will be set up to answer questions about the bond package. The Automated Road Analyzer vehicle that the City uses to evaluate street conditions will also be on site for the public to see. General Obligation Bonds are a common financing tool used by local governments to pay for infrastructure improvements. The estimated residential tax impact of this bond program is $18 per year per $100,000 of full cash value, as determined by the Pima County Assessor. The bonds will be repaid through the City’s secondary property tax, resulting in an estimated average rate increase of 33 cents. If approved by voters, the bond funds will be invested in street resurfacing over a five-year period. All work will be competitively bid out to private contractors. Approximately 85 percent of bond funds will be allocated to major streets with the remainder allocated to neighborhood streets. As part of the program, approximately 130 miles of major streets and 114 miles of neighborhood streets will be resurfaced. The Mayor and Council have adopted a Truth in Bonding Policy to ensure that no change can be made to the purpose of the bond funds without going back to voters for approval. For more information on the bond program, visit or call 791-4204.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Vamos a Tucson 2012

The City of Tucson is pleased to welcome back the Vamos a Tucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta being held at Kino Stadium from October 4 through October 7. The tournament this year has expanded to six teams - four teams from Mexico, as well as the San Diego Padres Future Stars and the Los Angeles Dodgers Future Stars. "I want to welcome and thank the four teams from the Mexican Pacific League, the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Diego Padres farm teams for their participation in the 2012 Vamos a Tucson Baseball Fiesta," said Council Member Richard Fimbres. "Their contributions, as well as those of their fans to our community and economy will greatly benefit the Tucson region in many ways.” The Tucson Padres, The Metropolitan Tucson Convention and Visitors Bureau (MTCVB), The Sonoran Sports Commission and Desert Diamond Casinos and Entertainment collaborated to bring the Fiesta back to Tucson. The Fiesta’s economic impact to Tucson has already been noted as two teams have already begun practicing in Tucson. In all, 1,800 hotel room nights from players, 11,000 total meals consumed and 1,000 hotel room nights from fans will take place in Tucson, Fimbres said. "An event of this caliber has the potential to bring thousands of visitors to our community," said Felipe Garcia, MTCVB Vice President of Community Affairs and Mexico Marketing. "Winter baseball is huge in Latin America, and through this tournament, Tucson will continue to be a part of it." Added Fimbres: “Baseball is just one aspect of the activities, October 4 through 7. It is anticipated that many dignitaries from both the private and public sectors, from both sides of our border will be present for Vamos a Tucson, which will provide great opportunities to build and strengthen our relationships between our communities."" Tickets are now available by visiting the Kino Stadium Box office, calling (520) 434-1367 or by logging onto "We are excited to host the second Vamos a Tucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta," said Mike Feder, Tucson Padres Vice President and General Manager. "We learned last year what a great level of play this is. We expect this year's event to be bigger and better." The tournament has expanded this year to include teams from the states of Sonora and Sinaloa. The two returning teams are the Naranjeros de Hermosillo and Yaquis de Ciudad Obregon. New this year are the Venados de Mazatlan and Tomateros de Culiacan. Last year, the three-day baseball fiesta drew more than 12,000 fans from both sides of the border. The participating players and coaches are eager to interact with Tucson community organizations and community events, Garcia said. For more information on scheduling players and coaches to attend an event, contact Tucson Padres Director of Hispanic Marketing Francisco Gamez at 258-3217.
Know the Top 10 Causes of Fire in Tucson Cooking Cooking fires typically occur when food is left unattended or when grease splatters and catches fire. Storage of combustibles near the stove such as paper towels, cardboard boxes (cereal) and dish rags can increase the risk of fire. Children Curious children may also set fires if they acquire matches and lighters left unattended in the home. Remember to secure matches and lighters in a locked cabinet beyond the reach of children. If you find singed or melted items such as toys, clothing, paper, or vegetation or if you notice burnt matches or missing lighters discuss the dangers of fire setting with your children immediately, for these are signs of fire play. If you need assistance intervening in your child’s fire setting call 837-7075 to request a Juvenile Fire Stopper Class. Candles Candles that are left unattended, placed on uneven or flammable surfaces or placed too close to combustible materials can cause fires in the home. Candles should be kept out of the reach of children and pets and extinguished before leaving the room. Heating Equipment Heating equipment including portable heaters, hot water heaters, toasters, curling irons, coffee makers and any other heat producing appliance can cause a fire if left operating in close proximity to combustible materials. Remember to leave three feet of space between hot appliances and combustibles such as paper, cardboard, cloth, or plastic. Contact a qualified technician to schedule an annual maintenance for your furnace and check filters regularly. Remove the lint from the dryer after each load of laundry. Smoking Smoking is the leading cause of fires resulting in death. Never smoke while in bed or while drowsy. Avoid smoking under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Whenever possible smoke outside of the home away from combustible materials and use large, deep ashtrays. Electrical Equipment Damaged electrical appliances, cords, plugs or wiring can cause fires. Overloading electrical outlets with multiple plugs, using extension cords inappropriately and running electrical cords under rugs, heavy furniture or in high traffic areas can present a significant fire hazard. Avoid “do-it-yourself” electrical projects, before attempting to install electrical components contact a licensed contractor. Inadequate Wiring If you are experiencing dimming lights when using another appliance, blown fuses or tripped breakers regularly, you may not have adequate wiring in your home. This may overload the existing electrical system and cause a fire. Contact a licensed contractor to assess your needs and install the needed equipment. BBQ Grills Grilling near or under combustible structures can cause a fire, operate the grill at least 10 feet away from any structure. Clean the cooking surface of the grill regularly with soapy water to remove grease and check the grill for leaks by spraying soapy water on all of the hoses and connections. Flammable Liquids Remember to store flammable liquids such as fuel, lacquer, solvents, cleaning agents and other volatiles in approved containers in an area outside of the home. These liquids emit high vapors when not contained and can ignite easily from a simple ignition source such as static electricity, high temperatures or heating equipment. Fireplace & Chimney The fireplace and chimney can present a fire hazard if not properly secured or maintained. Inspect your fireplace thoroughly prior to use, ensure that the fireplace’s integrity is intact and all safety equipment is working. Contact a chimney sweep to clean the chimney as needed. Remove overgrown vegetation from the exterior before use. Great Home Fire Safety Survey Checklist From the NFPA

Plan Tucson To Hold Community Workshops

White House Local Government Affairs Update

Friday, September 14, 2012


23rd ANNUAL LEAGUE OF UNITED LATIN AMERICAN CITIZENS (L.U.L.A.C.) / FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (F.B.I) COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS LUNCHEON, SEPTEMBER 21ST CONTACT: Ana Estrada, Awards Luncheon Co-Chair, (520) 903-2838 TUCSON – The 23rd Annual LULAC/FBI Community Services Awards Luncheon will take place Friday, September 21st at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada. The Arizona LULAC District 3 Councils and the F.B.I. have partnered once again to honor the selfless servants of society who day after day work to improve the community in which we live. For 22 years, LULAC and the F.B.I. have worked together to honor outstanding citizens from Tucson and Arizona with their LULAC/F.B.I. Community Service Awards. LULAC Council #1057 is proud of the partnership that has been created and of the tremendous success the event has experienced. The luncheon has served to help to build unity and good will within the community. Special Agent in Charge Mr. James L. Turgal for the F.B.I in Arizona has been invited to be the keynote speaker at the luncheon and present this year’s F.B.I. Community Service Awards. Tickets for the Luncheon are $25 (luncheon donations are tax deductible for the amount exceeding $25). Proceeds will go to LULAC Council #1057’s effort to send students to attend the LULAC Washington National Youth Leadership Seminar and to provide scholarships with LULAC’s National Scholarship Foundation. WHAT: 23rd Annual LULAC/FBI Community Service Awards WHEN: Friday, September 21st, 11:30 A.M. to 1::30 P.M. WHERE: Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada. Please make checks payable to the Southern Arizona Institute of Leadership (SAIL – a non-profit corporation under section 501c3 of the IRS Code) and mail them to SAIL, c/o LULAC 1057, P.O. Box 2443, Tucson, AZ 85702. Please RSVP by September 19th by calling (520) 903-2838.

Operation Snowbird EA Report Public Comment Period Extended

Air Force extends Operation Snowbird public comment period DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz.–The U.S. Air Force is extending the public comment period for the draft Environmental Assessment concerning Operation Snowbird here until Oct. 4. This additional 20-day extension allows citizens more time to analyze the proposal to implement National Guard Training Plan 60-1 supporting Operation Snowbird. The public comment period began July 31, 2012. The Air Force also has provided a Spanish translation of the draft Finding of No Significant Impact as a convenience for bilingual community members. The draft EA, including the translated draft FONSI, has been placed at the following local libraries: Quincie Douglas Library, 1585 East 36th Street, Tucson, Ariz. 85713, and Salazar-Ajo Library, 33 West Plaza Street, Ajo, Ariz. 85621. Eckstrom-Columbus Branch Library, 4355 East Calle Aurora, Tucson, Ariz., 85711 (NOTE: the Eckstrom-Columbus Branch Library has moved to a temporary location, which is slated to be open to the public starting Sept. 24) The Spanish translation of the draft FONSI and the draft 2007 data collection site visit report are also available online at The English translation is the official document of record. The translated draft FONSI is provided for convenience.

Ward 5 Beautification Project Celebrated

City of Tucson Celebrate Transportation Beautification Projects Ward 5 Council Member Richard Fimbres and City Manager Richard Miranda and the public celebrated the completion of the landscaping beautification projects at Irvington and Tucson Boulevard in Ward 5, on Thursday, September 13. This work was part of a four month city-wide effort, by the City of Tucson, Tucson Clean and Beautiful and The Groundskeeper. Forty-two landscaped arterials and collector street medians and roadsides were abated, which amounted to 200-plus miles citywide, at a cost of $580,000. More than 1,000 tons of debris was removed. In addition, 320 trees and 1,400 shrubs that were damaged due to freezing conditions a few years back were removed. "In 2010, my colleagues and I on the City Council implemented a Litter Fee to help beautify areas like this behind me. It is money well spent," said Councilmember Richard Fimbres. Councilmember Fimbres went on to say, "As we strive to make Tucson Boulevard a more scenic route and a gateway into Tucson from the airport, projects like this help to not only beautify the area, but to bring a sense of pride and worth for not only the residents of Ward 5, but for all the citizens of our great City. I want to thank the residents of Ward 5 who came out today to celebrate the completion of this beautification project. I also want to thank City staff, the Groundskeeper and Tucson Clean and Beautiful for their work and efforts." In addition to the Irvington Road beautification, the Grant Road and I-10 Mediation Beautification, with the work done by Ward 3 Councilmember Karin Uhlich's office, were celebrated as well at this event.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Neighborhood Cleanups Expanded

This month, the City of Tucson’s Neighborhood Clean-up Program will be expanded and will be available to incorporated homeowners’ associations and small, organized groups of neighbors in addition to City of Tucson registered neighborhood associations. This program provides roll-off containers (dumpsters) to assist residents who want to work together to clean-up their neighborhood and is offered through the Environmental Services fees paid by residential customers. Nancy Petersen, Environmental Services Interim Director said, “The program has been used for many years by the City’s Neighborhood Associations, but there are many other residents who would like to pitch in to clean up their neighborhoods, too. We hope that by providing roll-offs and the hauling and disposal, we’ll make it easier for them.” More information about the program is available online. Residents can visit the ES web page at or call ES Customer Services at (520) 791-3171. Information for neighborhood associations is available on the HCD website at

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Zebra Baby on Exhibit

A male Grevy’s zebra born at Reid Park Zoo on August 31 will be on exhibit for the first time this morning. Mom and baby spent several days behind-the-scenes under careful observation. The young zebra had a low birth weight, but he is now nursing, gaining weight, and ready to explore the larger habitat. Zoo staff and Veterinarian will continue to keep a close eye on this first time mom and her offspring for the next several critical months as he gains strength. He will be on exhibit this morning for an undetermined length of time, and may return to his behind-the-scenes area in the afternoon, or whenever Zoo Keepers feel he needs additional rest. The Grevy's zebra, Equus grevyi, is an endangered species with as few as 2,500 remaining in the wild. Reid Park Zoo is an active participant in the Species Survival Plan, which works to protect this species through captive breeding and education programs. Over 35 US zoos accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) participate in the joint conservation efforts of the Species Survival Plan. The Zoo is open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. daily. For additional information guests can call 791-4022 or visit the Zoo’s website at

Friday, September 7, 2012

OSB EA Draft Report

Arizona Air National Guard's 162nd Fighter Wing Operation Snowbird, is located at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, the base host unit. In the summer of 2010, the Air Force determined that an Environmental Assessment was needed due to an expansion of OSB operations in the plan which governs the OSB mission. The EA will look at OSB operations' effects on noise, public safety, air quality, cultural resources, biological resources, hazardous matter and waste management, socio-economics, environmental justice and air space. The draft report is located online at: Comments must be submitted through the 355th FW Public Affairs office. All comments will be considered for final OSB EA. Those wishing to submit a comment are asked to provide the following information: Name Date E-Mail Address Mailing Address Comment Comments should be mailed to the following address: ATTN: OSB EA COMMENT SUBMITTAL 355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs 3180 S. First Street Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 85707 Comments should be sent no later than September 14, 2012. Comments submitted during the public review period will be considered in preparation of the final EA and before a determination is made on the proposed action.

Water Line Repairs Result in Closure of Calle Santa Cruz, Valencia to Drexel

Tucson Water maintenance crews are repairing a 24” main water line on
Calle Santa Cruz, between Valencia and Drexel Roads. To ensure the
safety of workers conducting repairs, Calle Santa Cruz will be closed
from Valencia Road to Drexel Road starting at 3 PM, Thursday, September
6. The road is expected to reopen the morning of Saturday, September 8.

Access to Pima Community College’s Desert Vista Campus will be
maintained from Drexel and Irvington Roads. Sun Tran bus route #27 will
be rerouted and Sun Van has been notified of the change in campus

Motorists who need to go to PCC’s Desert Vista Campus should use
eastbound or westbound Drexel Road or travel southbound Calle Santa Cruz
from Irvington Road. Motorists are asked to also use caution around the
work crews and barricades.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Transit Schedule on Labor Day

TUCSON, Ariz. – Sun Tran buses will operate on a Sunday schedule on Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 2012.  In observance of this holiday, Sun Shuttle and Sun Express will not provide service.  The following details outline transit service on Labor Day:·         Sun Express will not be in operation. Regular service resumes Tuesday, September 4.Sun Shuttle routes will not be in operation, except dial-a-ride service in Oro Valley will be offering holiday service from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for ADA qualified passengers only. Regular service resumes Tuesday, September 4.

·         Sun Tran Routes 1 through 99 will run on a Sunday schedule on Monday, September 3.  Regular service resumes Tuesday, September 4.The Customer Service Center will be open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist passengers with trip planning needs.   On Tuesday, September 4, the Customer Service Center will return to regular weekday hours of 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Sun Tran’s Administrative Offices and Lost and Found, located at 3920 N. Sun Tran Blvd., will be closed on Monday, September 3.  The Administrative Offices will reopen for business on Tuesday, September 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Lost and Found from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun Van service will mirror the service provided by Sun Tran.  Sun Van’s Customer Service Center will be open 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Labor Day.

Passengers are advised to consult Sun Tran’s Ride Guide, visit, or call the Customer Service Center at (520) 792-9222 (for persons with hearing and speech impairments, call TDD: 520-628-1565) for specific route times and bus information.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

LULAC FBI/Community Service Awards - Sept. 21


CONTACT: Ana Estrada, Awards Luncheon Co-Chair, (520) 903-2838

TUCSON – The 23rd Annual LULAC/FBI Community Services Awards Luncheon will take place Friday, September 21st at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada.

The Arizona LULAC District 3 Councils and the F.B.I. have partnered once again to honor the selfless servants of society who day after day work to improve the community in which we live.

For 22 years, LULAC and the F.B.I. have worked together to honor outstanding citizens from Tucson and Arizona with their LULAC/F.B.I. Community Service Awards.

LULAC Council #1057 is proud of the partnership that has been created and of the tremendous success the event has experienced. The luncheon has served to help to build unity and good will within the community.
Special Agent in Charge Mr. James L. Turgal for the F.B.I in Arizona has been invited to be the keynote speaker at the luncheon and present this year’s F.B.I. Community Service Awards.

Tickets for the Luncheon are $25 (luncheon donations are tax deductible for the amount exceeding $25). 

Proceeds will go to LULAC Council #1057’s effort to send students to attend the LULAC Washington National Youth Leadership Seminar and to provide scholarships with LULAC’s National Scholarship Foundation.

WHAT: 23rd Annual LULAC/FBI Community Service Awards
WHEN: Friday, September 21st, 11:30 A.M. to 1::30 P.M.
WHERE: Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada.

Please make checks payable to the Southern Arizona Institute of Leadership (SAIL – a non-profit corporation under section 501c3 of the IRS Code) and mail them to SAIL, c/o LULAC 1057, P.O. Box 2443, Tucson, AZ 85702. Please RSVP by September 19th by calling (520) 903-2838.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Curacao is coming to Tucson


Be one of the first team members of the fastest-growing Technology
Driven and Consumer Electronic Retail Company in the Southwestern United

Job Fair
When:             August 13th to August 25th

Please apply ahead of time @

Where:            Holiday Inn
4550 South Palo Verde Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85714
(520) 746 - 1161

Time:              9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Please bring a copy of your resume with you and come dressed for a
professional environment.

We are looking for the right candidates with the following criteria:
*         High School Diploma or GED
*         Great people skills
*         Technology Driven and a quick learner for purposes of  product
*         Bilingual:  English/Spanish or other languages a plus
o        Able to read, write and speak both languages fluently
*         Minimum of 1 year of Retail Sales/ Consumer Electronics
experience or in the other areas mentioned below
*         Intermediate Computer Skills to quickly learn our internal
*         Excellent Customer Service
*         Great Communication Skills
*         Flexible schedule/ability to accommodate retail schedule which
includes working nights, weekends and holidays

We are offering the following positions on a Full Time and Part Time
* Sales Associates
* Electronics
* Appliances
* Computers
* Cell Phones
* Furniture
* Car Stereo
* Electronic Games
* Cosmetics/Jewelry
* Plus many more...
* Managers
* Plus many more...

* Operation Associates
* Cashier
* Credit
* Warehouse
* Service
* Inventory
* Consumer Electronic Repair Technician
* Loss Prevention
* Team Lead
* Supervisors
* Plus more...

If selected during the job fair, you will be asked to deliver a sales
presentation to a panel composed of Store Management and Human
Resources/Training & Development Reps.
This will be part of the selection process to determine your experience
and your customer service abilities.

Wal-Mart Update

With the construction of the new Wal-Mart Super Center at the Bridges (Store #5626), the company has set up a temporary location for people to apply at 1010 East Palmdale, Suite 104.  The manager for this new store is Brian Shields.  The phone numbers are 294-4204 and 294-4203.  Wal-Mart takes applications online, and that will be the case at the Palmdale location as well.  For more information, please call their office.


The Trees for Tucson program is now accepting applications for low-cost
trees for delivery in the popular fall planting period. While trees can be
planted throughout the year in the Tucson area, summer heat will soon make
way for great tree planting weather.

To qualify for low-cost shade trees, residents must be in the Tucson
Electric Power Co. or Trico Electric Cooperative electric service area, and
agree to plant the trees within 15 feet of the west, south or east side of
the home.

Tucson Electric Power customers may print an application online at or call (520) 791-3109 to receive a mailed or faxed

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LULAC/FBI Community Service Awards Luncheon - Sept. 21

Dear Friends:

Please mark your calendar to attend the LULAC/ FBI Community Service Awards Luncheon, on September 21, 2012, 11:30 to 1:30 PM, at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada, Tucson, Arizona. Individual Tickets can be purchased for $25.00.  Honoree's will be the guest of LULAC Council 1057.

On behalf of the Southern Arizona Councils of the League of United Latin American Citizens we would like to thank the F.B.I. for their  partnership in our annual community services awards luncheon.  Can you imagine that it has been over twenty two years since we started nominating outstanding citizens from the City and State of Arizona for the LULAC/F.B.I. Community Service Awards.

We are proud of the partnership we have created and of the tremendous success we have had.  This program has helped to build unity and good will within our community.  Our 23rd Annual Awards Luncheon will be held on September 21, 2012, at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada, Tucson, Arizona, starting at  11:30 A.M. We have requested the Special Agent in Charge for Arizona to be our keynote speaker and present this year's F.B.I. Community Service Awards.  The luncheon will be held in the Copper Ballroom.

We again anticipate having a large luncheon crowd.  If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact LULAC Line at 520-903-2838.

Your assistance in this matter is appreciated, Thank you.


Ana Estrada
National LULAC VP for Youth
Awards Luncheon Co-Chair

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Accelr8 Moves Corporate Headquarters to Tucson

After a competitive multi-state process, Accelr8 Technology Corporation (NYSE MKT: AXK) today announces that it is moving its headquarters from Denver, CO to Tucson, AZ.

Founded in 1982, Accelr8 develops instruments used for the detection of pathogenic microorganisms. Its BACcel™ rapid diagnostic system, in development, is the first technology that is able to count and identify dangerous pathogens and their drug resistance expression within the same day of obtaining a patient specimen, instead of the two to three days required for standard methods. This speed allows for a significant improvement in the treatment of the over 1.7 million people in the US who contract a hospital acquired infection each year, and access to a multi-billion dollar market.

Accelr8 has selected Tucson as best meeting its needs for future high-growth plans. Accelr8 will bring high-skilled, high-wage jobs to Southern Arizona with plans to fill 65 positions over the next three years and the potential to grow to 200-300 employees in subsequent years. Headquarter positions include engineers, scientists, sales/marketing, management, finance, quality/regulatory and manufacturing. The company will occupy approximately 15,000 square feet of space in Pima Countys Herbert K. Abrams Public Health Center at 3950 S. Country Club Road (Located in Ward 5). After a build out of wet lab space, the company is expected to be operational by early 2013. 

Accelr8 is developing a revolutionary product in the diagnostics area and we were impressed with the regions emerging bioscience strength, innovation and support that can help ensure our future success, said Lawrence Mehren, president and CEO, Accelr8 Technology Corporation.

Councilmember Richard Fimbres thanks TREO, County government, the Tucson City Manager's Office and the City's Economic Incentive office - Chris Kaselemis and Debbie Chandler, for their work on this effort.

Fimbres went on to address those in attendance at the press conference, which included Accelr8 CEO, Lawrence Mehren, held August 16, at the TREO offices.  He went on to say:
"I am proud to welcome Accelerate Technology Corporation to Ward 5 in the City of Tucson.  You have a great location in the burgeoning southern part of our community.

"Tucson's high-tech economy has steadily grown thanks to the work of many companies in my ward such as Raytheon Missile Systems, Bombardier, Bruker Nano, Applied Energetics, Ascent, Involta, and Universal Avionics as well as the University of Arizona, the companies at the U of A Tech Park and the UA BioPark and Pima College, located in Ward 5. All of these entities will be your new corporate neighbors.

"This announcement is another example that Tucson means business. I want to thank the City Managers office and staff, Chris Kaselemis and Debbie Chandler for their work on this.

"I want to thank you Larry John and Jack for the 65 high-wage jobs that your company will bring, the $255 million economic impact and your commitment to Tucson."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tucson Water Update


Tucson Water has installed monitoring systems along large diameter
pipelines that are designed to notify Tucson Water maintenance personnel
of conditions that could lead to failure of a section of pipe. Monitors
recently detected a series of events on a section of pipe that indicate
a potential weakening of the pipe structure. The segment of pipe is
located along a transmission main that moves water from a reservoir
located in Starr Pass into other parts of the City.

Tucson Water has taken steps to isolate the affected segment of pipe in
order to allow maintenance crews access to conduct an inspection. This
action has resulted in the temporary closing of water supply from the
reservoir. In order to ensure water delivery is not affected by the
closing of the reservoir, groundwater wells have been turned on to meet
demand while the condition of the segment of pipe is investigated.

Tucson Water Director Alan Forrest stated the monitoring system has
worked as planned. “Because so much of our infrastructure is below
ground, we were often unable detect weaknesses in our pipes until a
break occurred. The investment in this monitoring system has brought a
potentially serious situation to our attention in time to avert a

Tucson Water crews will begin to excavate around the affected pipe as
soon as permits are secured, and alternate water delivery capabilities
are in place.

Wal-Mart Update

With the construction of the new Wal-Mart Super Center at the Bridges (Store #5626), the company has set up a temporary location for people to apply at 1010 East Palmdale, Suite 104.  The manager for this new store is Brian Shields.  The phone numbers are 294-4204 and 294-4203.  Wal-Mart takes applications online, and that will be the case at the Palmdale location as well.  For more information, please call their office.

City of Tucson Redistricting Public Hearing - Aug. 22


Every four years the boundaries of the six wards of the City are
reviewed to determine whether adjustments are necessary to equalize the
population in each ward.  The Mayor and Council have established a
citizens committee to assist with this effort.

The Redistricting Advisory Committee encourages public participation in
the redistricting process and wants to hear from you. A public hearing
will be held to gather information from the public regarding ward
redistricting.  The preliminary redistricting plans will be on display
at the public hearing and are available for public inspection during
normal business hours at the City of Tucson, City Clerk’s Office, City
Hall, 255 West Alameda, 9th floor.  Additionally, the plans are
available on the City Clerk Elections web page:

Redistricting Advisory Committee Public Hearing
Wednesday, August 22, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor and Council Chambers, City Hall
255 West Alameda, Tucson, Arizona

Comments and suggestions may be submitted to the Redistricting Advisory
Committee c/o City Clerk, P.O. Box  27210, Tucson, AZ 85726-7210,
emailed to or delivered to the City Clerk’s
Office, City Hall, 255 West Alameda, 9th floor, weekdays 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Larry Toledo

Lawrence Ralph Toledo 4/25/1941 – 8/11/2012 On August 11, 2012 our beloved father, Lawrence Ralph Toledo completed an amazing journey on earth and is reunited with his beloved parents, Dorothy Young Toledo and Ralph Tovares Toledo; brother, Thomas Toledo and cherished grandson, Roman Andrew Martinez-Toledo. Celebrating the wonder of his memory are aunt, Lily Young Figueroa; sister, Peggy Little; children, Susanna (George) Minegishi, Christophe Toledo, Elizabeth (Winnie) Toledo, Andrea (Greg) Toledo Leyva and Pablo Toledo and the children's mother, Ann (Hank) Oyama; grandchildren, Alexis Levario, Mickey Martinez, Leah Faith Minegishi, Mia Toledo, Desiree Leyva, Elijah Toledo, Tomás Toledo and Alexandria Leyva; great-grandchildren, Kamiko Espinoza and Nathan Andrew Martinez and, so dear to Larry, his extended family of cousins, nieces and nephews and partner, Maureen Kelly. Larry graduated from Pueblo High School and Cal Western University where he attended on a football scholarship. Larry was instrumental in founding the Athletic Department of Pima Community College where he served as Athletic Director until his retirement. Larry was honored by induction into Pima County Sports Hall of Fame in 1991 and the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics Hall of Fame in 2010. The impact of Larry's lifelong passion for sports and education has positively impacted the lives of thousands of student athletes and their families. Larry, together with Ann, spent the early years in hard work and sacrifice to lay the foundation for our family. Larry was a citizen of the world and dedicated himself to reaching out to those who needed help most with an unwavering advocacy for justice. Those lucky enough to have known him will remember his fairness and unhesitating availability to help and nurture in any way possible. Visitation at CARRILLO'S TUCSON MORTUARY, 204 S Stone Ave., Tucson, Arizona, Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. with Rosary at 7:00 p.m. A Funeral Service at Santa Cruz Catholic Church will be held on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. with burial at Holy Hope Cemetery immediately following. Carinosamente Dad

Monday, August 13, 2012

Parks and Rec Fall Guide Available

Tucson Parks and Recreations Fall 2012 Program Guide and Class Catalog has
arrived and copies are available for pick up at all Parks and Recreation
Department facilities, including district offices, centers and pools. The
fall issue can also be viewed on-line at:

The Program Guide contains complete information on leisure classes, KIDCO
After-school, aquatics, sports programs, registration and the Discount
Program. In addition, the 72 page booklet contains valuable information on
other programs and services, including the Departments recreation, senior,
and fitness centers, Reid Park Zoo, Tucson City Golf courses and swimming
pool locations.

Registration is now open. Residents and non-city residents may register for
all Leisure and Adaptive Aquatic classes by using either EZEEreg on-line
at: or by phone at 573-3933. Session one registration has
been extended to Wednesday, August 15th, so hurry in to register for your
leisure classes. Other sessions are available. Please see the program guide
for registration information and deadlines.

For questions or more information on registration or programs contact
Registration Services at 791-4877.

MPA Update

Monthly Construction Status Reports

23rd Annual LULAC/ FBI Community Service Awards Luncheon, September 21

Dear Friends:

Please mark your calendar to attend the LULAC/ FBI Community Service Awards Luncheon, on September 21, 2012, 11:30 to 1:30 PM, at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada, Tucson, Arizona. Individual Tickets can be purchased for $25.00. Honoree’s will be the guest of LULAC Council 1057.

On behalf of the Southern Arizona Councils of the League of United Latin American Citizens we would like to thank the F.B.I. for their partnership in our annual community services awards luncheon. Can you imagine that it has been over twenty two years since we started nominating outstanding citizens from the City and State of Arizona for the LULAC/F.B.I. Community Service Awards.

We are proud of the partnership we have created and of the tremendous success we have had. This program has helped to build unity and good will within our community. Our 23rd Annual Awards Luncheon will be held on September 21, 2012, at the Inn Suites Hotels, 475 N. Granada, Tucson, Arizona, starting at 11:30 A.M. We have requested the Special Agent in Charge for Arizona to be our keynote speaker and present this year’s F.B.I. Community Service Awards. The luncheon will be held in the Copper Ballroom.

We again anticipate having a large luncheon crowd. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact LULAC Line at 520-903-2828.

Your assistance in this matter is appreciated, Thank you.

Ana Estrada
National LULAC VP for Youth
Awards Luncheon Co-Chair