Tucson Water is proposing to increase certain water rate components and
fees. On Tuesday, April 17, 2012, the Mayor and Council authorized a
Public Hearing be held on May 22, 2012. In addition to the May 22 Public
Hearing, interested persons are encouraged to attend one of four
community meetings being held to learn about the budget and rate
proposals and provide comments. The public meetings are scheduled as
Wednesday, May 2, 5:30 -7:30 p.m. - Woods Memorial Library, 3455 N. 1st
Tuesday, May 8, 5:30 -7:30 p.m - Quincie Douglas Library, 1585 E. 36th
Tuesday, May 15, 5:30 -7:30 p.m - Mission Library, 3770 S. Mission Rd.
Thursday, May 17, 5:30 -7:30 p.m - Miller-Golf Links Library, 9640 E.
Golf Links Rd.
The Citizens Water Advisory Committee (CWAC) is appointed by the Mayor
and Council and the City Manager’s Office to annually review the
revenue requirements of the water system. The sixteen CWAC members spend
approximately eight months of the year reviewing Tucson Water budget
proposals and developing rate and fee recommendations. This year’s
proposal includes recommendations to modify the monthly service charge,
and proposes changes to the residential water rate structure.
Interim Water Director Sandy Elder supports the effort that the CWAC
members make to ensure that Tucson Water is able to continue providing
reliable water service to customers. “The CWAC membership represents
our customer base well, and they work hard to ensure that rate
recommendations are equitable to all customers. I encourage our
customers to attend one of the informational meetings to learn how the
recommendations were developed and to provide comments to Tucson Water
A public hearing is scheduled during the May 22 Mayor and Council
meeting. Following the hearing, Mayor and Council are expected to vote
on whether or not to adopt a new water rate schedule.
More information is available on Tucson Water’s website at or at (520) 791-4331.