Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Riparian Update - May 31

District 2 Supervisor Ramon Valadez and I will be holding a joint meeting on the Kino/36th Riparian Habitat at the Quincie Douglas Center, 1575 East 36th Street on Thursday, May 31, 6 to 8 pm.  For more information call the District 2 Office at 740-8126 or the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Ward 5 Town Hall

Last night, more than 120 people turned out for the Ward 5 Town Hall held at the Fred G. Acosta Job Corps Center.

Thanks to the Carld Rosborough, Steve Ramirez and the staff and students of the Job Corp for their help and efforts to make this meeting a success.   I also want to thank my staff: Melinda Jacobs, John Ferra, Daniel Trevizo, Eileen Soto and Mark Kerr for their work.  I also want to thank Dr. Ron Spark, who also volunteered his time on this event as well.

Many Ward 5 constituents and neighborhood association officers were present, including the officers from South Park, Pueblo Gardens, Cherry Avenue, and Barrio Santa Rita, plus representatives from the Parkway Terrace Neighborhood.

I want to thank Mayor Rothschild for taking part and talking about his 180 Day Plan.

I also want to thank Asst. City Mgr. Andrew Quigley, Tony Paez, the Transportation Director, Bob McGee with Sun Tran, Jose Ortiz (who provided the Ward 5 map on projects) with Transportation, Joyce Garland from Budget, TPD Captain Ramon Batista) and Byron Howard from the City Managers Office.

I want to give a special thanks to Mr. Byron Howard, who has been working for the City in annexations for more than a decade.  In June, Byron will be retiring from the City of Tucson.  In my three years as a Councilmember, Byron Howard has been a great help and been a great service to myself and the constituents in Ward 5.

A lot of good questions were asked and information was given.  Again to all who were in attendance, Ward 5 was proud.

This Memorial Day

Dear Friends:

This is a very special weekend for us because we are celebrating Memorial Day and I am proud to say I am a 27 year veteran of the active Army, Army
National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves.  We celebrate Memorial Day so we can never forget the price that has been paid by our Women and Men
in the Military for the Freedom we have today.

For more than two hundred years, men and women of faith  and courage have laid down their lives to secure freedom for this country.  Blood was shed--
and continues to be shed-- so that Americans no matter what color they are can enjoy liberty, democracy, and freedom without fear of reprisal. 

To our Women and Men serving in our Armed Forces lets us say a prayer for their safety:

"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands, Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of  need. We ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Amen"

Thank You and please let a Veteran know that you appreciate the sacrifices they have made for us so we can enjoy freedom.

God Bless.

Richard Fimbres
U.S. Army Vietnam Era Veteran

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Riparian Update - May 31

District 2 Supervisor Ramon Valadez and I will be holding a joint meeting on the Kino/36th Riparian Habitat at the Quincie Douglas Center, 1575 East 36th Street on Thursday, May 31, 6 to 8 pm.  For more information call the District 2 Office at 740-8126 or the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Free Booster Seat Distribution May 24

With a new state law requiring booster seats for children between the ages of 5 and 8 years, families are invited to a free booster seat distribution Thursday, May 24.
TMC for Children, the proud lead agency of Safe Kids Tucson, is joining with the Tucson Police Department to offer 150 free booster seats to families at the Santa Cruz Substation 4410 S. Park Ave., between Ajo Way and Irvington Road.
The event runs from noon until 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 24 and will be first-come, first-served until the seats run out. The child must be present.
With Gov. Jan Brewer’s signature earlier this month, Arizona lost its dubious status as being one of three states that didn’t require booster seats for children. 
Already, children under the age of 5 were required to be in a car seat. But when the new law takes effect Aug. 2, children between the ages of 5 and 8, who are shorter than 4 feet 10 inches, must have that little extra height under their booties so their seat belts work appropriately.
Funding for the booster seats came from the Tohono O’odham Tribe, awarded to the City of Tucson and Council member Richard Fimbres’ office.
"Research has shown us that booster seats and seat belts do save lives," said Ward 5 Councilmember Richard Fimbres, a former director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. 
"Front-seat passenger-car occupants correctly wearing a safety belt have a 45 percent chance of surviving a automobile collision. The odds go up to 60 percent in pickup trucks, SUVs and minivans. So always remember to secure your child in a car seat or booster seat and always wear your seat belt."
For years, child safety advocates have argued that it’s not enough to allow 5-year-olds to use regular seat belts. Statistics from the Arizona Department of Health Services indicated seven of the nine children in that age range who died in a vehicle crash in 2009 were not properly restrained in a booster seat.
Since cars are designed for adults, seat belts typically won’t rest on children at the hard contact points along the hip bones, sternum and shoulders, explained TMC’s community outreach specialist Yomaira Diaz, who is an instructor-level child passenger safety seat technician and the Safe Kids Tucson coordinator.
To make the seat belts more comfortable, kids might slouch down into the seat, or they might put the seat belt under their arm, instead of over the shoulder. That prevents the seat belt from protecting children against whiplash or internal injuries if an accident occurs.
“A lot of these injuries are preventable,” Diaz said. “Just that little booster, believe it or not, will save lives.”
Diaz said the compliance deadline is going to come faster than parents realize.
Those unable to go to Thursday’s distribution can take advantage of the Kohl’s Cares for Kids and the Tucson Medical Center Foundation’s “Boost Your Booty” program. Booster seats are free for children who are at least 5 years old, with a weight of at least 40 pounds. The child must be present for the fitting. For an appointment, call TMC’s Boost Your Booty program at 324-5604.

MOCA Tucson Events Update

Located online at  http://www.moca-tucson.org/


On a national level, with the increases in metal commodity prices, incidents of metal theft have been on the rise, and the City of Tucson has seen significant increases in this type of crime in recent years. Criminals target copper wiring, back flow water valves, air conditioning units, air conditioning compressor parts, and numerous other recyclable items. The City of Tucson and the Tucson Police Department have taken note that this crime has a significant impact on local business profit as well as law enforcement activities. Although these types of investigations are challenging and complex, the Tucson Police Department is utilizing this novel approach to apprehend and prosecute those involved in metal theft. On a local platform, it will take the collaboration of multiple divisions within the Tucson Police Department, the Business Community, and the Pima County Attorneys Office (PCAO) working in partnership to have a measurable impact on metal theft. Recognizing the magnitude of cases and the collaboration that needs to exist in order to truly address this blight on our community, the Tucson Police Department recently instituted a new initiative to address metal theft and the thieves committing these crimes in the Tucson area.

Known as the Metal Theft Reduction Apprehension Plan, or “MTRAP,” the plan involves education, investigation, enforcement, and prosecution. The mission of the Metal Theft Reduction and Apprehension Plan is to reduce the amount of metal theft within the Tucson Community. Essentially, this is accomplished through the direct collaboration of citizens reporting the incidents of metal theft upon immediate discovery, officers and investigative personnel collecting the information to both fully document each incident - ensuring that information is shared concisely and efficiently – as well as to capture the offenders, and prosecutors working to ensure that those responsible for the crimes are held accountable. The educational component of MTRAP includes both information and/or instruction concerning prevention as well as awareness and other intelligence gathering information for purposes of not only reporting incidents that occur, but also properly disseminating the information once it is gathered. There is a significant emphasis on communication and information sharing.

Currently, the Tucson Police Department is working jointly with members of the Business Community, the Pima County Attorneys Office, and other City of Tucson departments. However, with the successes seen thus far, including three investigations in two weeks that resulted in several felony arrests and a great amount of intelligence gathering and sharing in just the first 2 months of the new initiative, the Tucson Police Department intends to extend the program to other law enforcement agencies, business entities, and citizen groups in the Greater Tucson Metro Region. Only through continued collaborative partnerships, can this exceedingly harmful crime in our community truly be addressed. 

Ward 5 Town Hall Meeting

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 24, 6 to 8 pm. Councilmember Fimbres will be hosting a Town Hall meeting at the Fred G. Acosta Job Corps, 901 South Campbell. Mayor Jonathan Rothschild will be there to speak to the Ward 5 constituents about his 180 day plan and I will be giving an update on ongoing Ward 5 projects. 

For more information, call the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Memorial Trash Day Pickup


The Memorial Day holiday will be observed on Monday, May 28, 2012.  Residential and commercial trash and recycling will not be collected on Monday. All City of Tucson residential and commercial customers will have their trash and recycling service delayed by one day during the holiday week. Holiday collection schedules are available online at www.tucsonaz.gov/esd

The Los Reales Landfill will be open its regularly scheduled hours, 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  City offices will be closed on Monday, May 28, 2012, however, customers may leave a message for Environmental Services Customer Service at 791-3171 or submit a service request at www.tucsonaz.gov/esd and they will be contacted no later than the next business day. Customer Service will be available on Saturday, June 2, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

THS Alumi Football Game


TARR Applications Accepted

Housing & Community Development Department began accepting applications for owner-occupied, residential home repair yesterday (Wednesday, May 16th) and will do so until midnight on Saturday, June 30, 2012.

On or about July 10, 2012, the Information & Technology Department will conduct a random lottery to determine the sequence of assignment for all accepted applications. As each on-line application is received by the system, a random and non-sequenced 'receipt number' is assigned to each application. Following the lottery results, each 'receipt number' is matched up with the corresponding homeowner applicant. Individual project assignment would commence at this time.

As noted in the attached Media Release DRAFT, the applications continue to be taken on-line at www.tucsonaz.gov/fixhouse 

Downtown Tucson Antique Show

*If Antiques You Seek, Try Downtown Chic*


Antiques of all types will fill historic Downtown Tucson on May 27, 2012,
as the Downtown Tucson Partnership and A Perfect Pantry launch a series of
summer antique fairs at the Old Pueblo Garage, located on Congress Street
east of Church Avenue.

The series will kick off on May 27, 2012, and will continue on the fourth
weekend of June, July and August. The fair will feature up to 100 vendors
from antique fairs across Arizona, and Downtown retailers will have their
wares on display and available for purchase. Many local Downtown merchants
will open their doors before, during and after the fair, and A Perfect
Pantry will provide an assortment of refreshments.

“It will be wonderful to introduce the antique community to all of the
amazing restaurant and retail experiences in Downtown,” said Michael Keith,
CEO of the Downtown Tucson Partnership. “We hope this becomes a regular
monthly event Downtown, and with the help of A Perfect Pantry we think we
can turn this into one of the largest Antique Fairs in Southern Arizona.”

The Downtown Antique Fair is one of the first events in what promises to be
fun-filled summer jam packed with activity in the heart of Tucson. Upcoming
events will also include scavenger hunts, penthouse parties, special movie
screenings and more.

Getting Downtown is easy. Enter from the north via Stone or 6th Avenues;
from the south via Stone or 6th Avenue, Broadway/Congress from the west or
the quick Toole Avenue detour from the east. Parking is still plentiful
with more than 15,000 parking spaces in Downtown. Patrons are encouraged to
park at the Pueblo Parking lot adjacent to the antique fair or at the
Pennington Street Garage, 110 E. Pennington St.

I-19 Update

*Pavement maintenance work scheduled on southbound Interstate 19 frontage
road south of Tucson Saturday*

Arizona Department of Transportation crews will be working to seal cracks
in the pavement which will require intermittent lane closures on the
southbound Interstate 19 frontage road south of Tucson on Saturday (May
19). The work was previously scheduled to occur on Saturday (April 28) but
was cancelled due to equipment issues. The work is scheduled as follows:

*Saturday (May 19)*

   - From 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., the southbound I-19 frontage road will have
   intermittent lane closures from Country Club Road to Ruby Road, north of
   - One lane will be open at all times.
   - Delays of up to 25 minutes can be expected.

Drivers are urged to proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down
and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

The schedule is subject to change due to a variety of reasons, including
weather, material availability and mechanical difficulties. ADOT advises
drivers to proceed through or near work zones with caution, slow down, and
be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

Trees for Tucson and Special Park Projects

Please see the link below for an update regarding several Tucson Clean &
Beautiful community-based environmental improvement programs, including:

- Trees for Tucson low-cost tree program now available in a larger metro
Tucson-Pima County area!
- New Pantano Commemorative Tree Park
- New Children's Memorial site at Michael Perry Park


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ward 5 Town Hall, May 24

Councilmember Richard Fimbres will be holding a Town Hall, Thursday, May 24, at the Fred G. Acosta Job Center, 901 S. Campbell.

There will be updates on Ward 5 Projects, the Bridges, and the BioPark.

Mayor Jonathan Rothschild is the guest speaker to talk about his 180 Day Plan for Tucson.

For more information, call the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cherrybell Update

The Postmaster General announced that the Postal Service is halting their plan to close 600 facilities (processing centers and post offices.)  They will develop their next steps later this week.  We are working with Congressman Grijalva's office and the Senate offices to determine how the Cherrybell Processing facility is treated as part of this announcement and to clarify their intentions with Cherrybell.

I along with F. Ann Rodriguez, the Pima County Recorder met with the Congressman on Monday and are working to plan further action to help ensure that Cherrybell, Tucson and Southern Arizona's Post Office and processing center, stays open.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ward 5 Newsletter


Southern Arizona DUI Task Force Update

The Southern Arizona DUI Task Force, with the assistance of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, will be deploying in conjunction with agencies throughout the State for this year’s graduation celebrations. The goal of the deployment is to reduce the injuries and deaths associated with impaired drivers by reducing related collisions. By conducting these deployments, we will be able to increase the awareness of motorists regarding the dangers of impaired driving, deter those who may be impaired from driving as well as detect and investigate DUI offenses to reduce the number of impaired drivers on the road.

The Southern Arizona DUI Task Force consists of agencies from throughout southern Arizona, including the Tucson Police Department, the Pima County Sheriff's Department, the Marana Police Department, the Nogales Police Department, the Oro Valley Police Department, the Pima Community College Police Department, the Sahuarita Police Department, the South Tucson Police Department, the Tucson Airport Authority Police Department, the University of Arizona Police Department, the National Park Service, and the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shred-A-Thon, May 12

The Ward 5 Council Office will be holding a shred-a-thon, Saturday, May 12, 8:30 am to 12 noon. The Council Office is located at 4300 South Park. For more information, please call 791-4231.  Either $5 for the Food Bank or food donations for the Community Food Bank are being requested for this event.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Summary of Current Events

Hundreds of Tucson residents came out to the health and safety fair, held on April 28, at El Pueblo Neighborhood Center. I want to thank everybody that came out and enjoyed the fair.

Over 80 families were benefited by receiving a car seat and/or booster seat and all the children who attended the fair received a bike helmet. In total 108 car seats and booster seats were given out to the families and 135 children received a bike helmet.

Breakfast and lunch were provided to the families at the fair: Hotdogs, hamburgers, bagels and cream cheese, juices, coffee, water, popcorn, pastries, bananas, granola bars and much more.

Families were also provided with lots of good information from our community partners: Tucson Police Department, Tucson Fire Department, El Pueblo Senior Center, Henry Quintero Day Care, Luz Southside Coalition, Health Choice, Tucson Clean and Beautiful, PPEP Tech, Tucson Academy of Learning, The Community Food Bank/Gabriel Giffords Family Assistance Center, Pima County Attorney’s Office, Kool Smiles, and United Health who provided blood pressure check and DNA kits for kids.

I want to thank my great staff, John Ferra, Eileen Soto, Mark Kerr and Melinda Jacobs for there hard work setting up this fair and making it a success. I also want to thank Ward 1 and Ward 2 for providing food and El Pueblo seniors who helped prepare it. In addition, thanks Carlos Estrada with Circle K for also providing us with food and drinks.

In addition, I want to thank Congressman Raul Grijalva; Jennie Becenti, Tohono O’odham Nation Ex. Dir. Human & Health Services; Rupert Encinas, Tohono O’odham Nation; Cherry Jackson, Trinity Hope Church of God in Christ; Mayor Rothschild, Councilmember Regina Romero; Demitri Downing & Mary Fimbres, Representing  Ward 2; Tucson Fire Chief Jim Critchley; Tucson Police Department Lieutenant Matt Ronstadt and Sergeant Mary Kay Slyter; Steve Ramirez, Business and Community Director at Fred G. Acosta Job Corp; Richard Barker, Maria Cardenas and Paul Ponce from the El Pueblo Neighborhood Center and all the seniors from El Pueblo Senior Center and the Job Corp volunteers. I look forward to seeing everyone at our next health and safety fair in August.

The Ward 5 Council Office will be holding a shred-a-thon, Saturday, May 12, 8:30 am to 12 noon. The Council Office is located at 4300 South Park. For more information, please call 791-4231.  Donations for the Community Food Bank are being requested for this event.

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 24, 6 to 8 pm. Councilmember Fimbres will be hosting a Town Hall meeting at the Fred G. Acosta Job Corps, 901 South Campbell. For more information, call the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Friday, May 4, 2012

DUI Checkpoint Update

On Thursday, May 3rd, 2012, the Tucson Police Department conducted a sobriety checkpoint at the intersection of East 6th Street and North Jacobus. The intent of the checkpoint was to increase the awareness of motorists about the dangers of impaired driving, deter those who may be impaired from driving, and detect and investigate DUI offenses at the checkpoint.

The sobriety checkpoint utilized a total of 18 officers and contacted approximately 683 drivers during the hours of operation (9:30 p.m. – 2:30 a.m.). During this deployment, officers made 16 Misdemeanor DUI arrests and 2 Felony DUI arrests, two of which were for persons under 21 years of age. Five of the 18 Misdemeanor DUI arrests were also charged with Extreme DUI for having an alcohol concentration above 0.150 BAC. The average BAC for all of the DUI arrests was 0.130 BAC. In addition to the DUI related arrests, officers issued 82 other citations, contacted 33 Designated Drivers and impounded 7 vehicles.

Sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols are proven and effective methods of deterring impaired driving and are important components in the Tucson Police Department’s overall efforts to reduce impaired driving. Surveys from prior sobriety checkpoints indicate overwhelming public support for checkpoints as a strategy to reduce DUI offenses. The Tucson Police Department encourages drivers to not drink and drive.

Streetcar Update


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Arizona Film Update

Friends of Film in Arizona,

Thank you for the hundreds of phone calls to the Governor's offices yesterday and to Speaker Tobin's office asking that HB2127 be put to a vote today.

If you haven't called yet, or if you want to call again, here's contact information. There are just hours left in the session which begins at 10 AM:

Governor's Phoenix Office:           (602) 542.4331
Governor's Tucson Office:             (520) 628.6580

Speaker Tobin:                                 (602) 926.5172                       atobin@azleg.gov<mailto:atobin@azleg.gov>

Ask the Governor's office to "please allow Speaker Tobin to put the Multimedia Production Jobs Bill,  HB2127 to a vote." They will tell you that the Governor has nothing to do with it, but we know that's not true.

Ask Speaker Tobin's office to "please put the Multimedia Production Jobs Bill, HB2127 on the agenda today."

If you want more information about what's going on and what's at stake, following is an email to the Governor's office this morning from a major bill stakeholder, George Weisz.

Help us bring the Jobs and Economic Impact of the multi-billion dollar film and TV industry back to Arizona in this our Centennial year.


Shelli Hall
Tucson Film Office


The Tucson Police Department was recently awarded a grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety for the purpose of conducting sobriety checkpoints over the upcoming summer months. The first sobriety checkpoint will be conducted during the evening hours of Thursday, May 3rd, 2012. The checkpoint will be
conducted within the city limits of Tucson and in an area that has a high number of DUI related collisions.

Our goal is to reduce the number of collisions that involve impaired drivers and to lower the injuries and deaths associated with these types of collisions. By conducting the checkpoint, we will be able to increase the
awareness of motorists about the dangers of impaired driving, deter those who may be impaired from driving, and detect and investigate DUI offenses at the checkpoint.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


TUCSON, Arizona —Sun Tran, Tucson’s public transportation system, received the 2012 Outstanding Transit Organization and Outstanding Training Program awards from Arizona Transit Association (AzTA) and Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).   The awards were presented at the AZTA/ADOT Annual Transit Conference on April 24, in Flagstaff, Arizona.   
“Receiving statewide recognition is an honor we share with our employees and our customers,” said Kate Riley, Sun Tran’s General Manager.  “Sun Tran’s dedication to providing high quality, efficient transit service and innovative approaches greatly contributes to our success.”
Outstanding Transit Organization - 
Despite a down economy, Sun Tran realized enhanced financial performance for the current fiscal year through February 2012 as compared to the same period in fiscal year 2011.  Total passenger revenue increased 30 percent, the farebox recovery ratio increased 19 percent, revenue per passenger increased 26 percent and ridership grew by 3.1 percent despite a fare increase in July 2011.  Sun Tran unveiled the final phase of the new Northwest Bus Facility, which allows for continued expansion of transit services in the region.  Phase II of this facility was awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)® Gold certification, which was the 
City of Tucson’s first “green” transit facility and second transit facility at the time to be built to 
LEED Gold standard in the State of Arizona.  Additionally, Sun Tran secured more than $17 million in grant funds for new buses, staff training, added security for the system and upgraded the CNG fueling facility.
Outstanding Training Program -
Sun Tran partnered with Pima County ONESTOP, a federally funded system of organizations that provide career development services and training for individuals and businesses to improve the skills of their workforce.  The partnership provided training on various subjects for local vehicle maintenance professionals, with Sun Tran employees specifically receiving training in hybrid technology and biodiesel fuel systems at no cost.
Sun Tran has won several awards from AzTA, including the Outstanding Transit Organization award in 2004. 
Sun Tran is operated by Professional Transit Management (PTM)/Veolia and under contract with the City of Tucson.  With more than 600 employees, 40 fixed routes and a fleet of 240 buses, Sun Tran’s mission is to provide safe, reliable, well maintained and cost effective public transportation with a team of innovative and diverse employees, dedicated to our customers, the environment and the community.

Dog Licensing Online

Pima County residents can now license their dogs online.
Pima Animal Care Center (PACC), which oversees the health and safety of dogs and cats throughout the county, now offers the option of using the Web to renew a dog license or apply for a new license.
Licenses and renewals are still being processed at the Pima Animal Care Center, 4000 N. Silverbell Road, during business hours but the online option allows residents to go online anytime to license their pet.
All dogs must be licensed in Pima County.
To begin the online licensing process, go to http://pimaanimalcare.org/ and click on the blue License Online tab on the right side of the page.

Shred-a-Thon, May 12

The Ward 5 Council Office will be holding a shred-a-thon, Saturday, May 12, 8:30 am to 12 noon. The Council Office is located at 4300 South Park. For more information, please call 791-4231.

Cinco de Mayo Celebrations

Celebrating Mexico’s 150 Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla

The Consulate of Mexico in Tucson cordially invites you to a series of lectures to
commemorate the one hundred and fifty years of this important event in our history. We
will present a more accurate historical perspective and meaning behind the Battle of
Puebla, an event that has become a popular celebration in the United States, also known as
5 de mayo.

May 2, Wednesday, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

William Beezley, Professor, The University of Arizona, Department of History
“Cinco de Mayo Victory at the Battle of Puebla: Mexico shocks the world 150 years Ago"
Zulema Trejo-Contreras, Postgraduate Studies Coordinator, El Colegio de Sonora
“The Republican resistance against the French intervention”

May 3, Thursday, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Gregorio Luke, Expert on Mexican and Latin American Art and Culture
“Battle of Cinco de Mayo”
The University of Arizona
Manuel Pacheco Integrated Learning Center Room 150
(ILC 150). Building next to the Main Library. Parking lot Cherry Avenue Garage

Have unused or expired medications?

Sat., May 5, 8 a.m.-noon - Household Hazardous Waste Collection 
Do you have unused or expired prescription medications but not sure what to do with them?
These should never be poured down your drains or flushed, and should not be left around where people or pets might have access to them.
The Tucson/Pima County Household Hazardous Waste Program (HHW) and the Pima County Sheriffs Department are sponsoring a medicine collection event along with the monthly HHW collection on Saturday, May 5, 2012, 8:00 a.m. 12:00 noon.
There is no charge for dropping off materials. Prescription and over-the-counter tablets, capsules, liquids, and creams will be collected.  Metal or glass inhalation aerosol bottles, syringes, and epi-pens will not be accepted.  For safety and confidentiality reasons, any items turned over for collection cannot be returned.  We do not accept drugs from commercial organizations. 
The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. The event will be held at:
Eastside City Hall
7575 E. Speedway Blvd.
(To access the collection site, please turn north on Prudence Rd. and follow the signs)
In addition to old medications, you may also bring paint or other household chemicals for collection.
Accepted materials include: Automotive fluids, auto and rechargeable batteries from electronics equipment, toxic cleaning products, fluorescent lamps, paints, solvents, lawn and garden products, and computer equipment. The program only accepts materials generated in homesno commercially generated materials are accepted.
More information is available on-line at
ES Customer Service at 791-3171.

Ward 5 Town Hall, May 24

Mark your calendars for Thursday, May 24, 6 to 8 pm.  Councilmember Fimbres will be hosting a Town Hall meeting at the Fred G. Acosta Job Corps, 901 South Campbell.  There will be updates of projects ongoing in Ward 5 and Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild will be there to speak about his 180 day plan.  For more information, call the Ward 5 Council Office, 791-4231.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ADOT Update

Pavement maintenance work on lanes and ramps along I-10 in east Tucson scheduled Thursday

Temporary ramp closures planned at Palo Verde Road, Alvernon Way, Irvington Road 

The Arizona Department of Transportation is scheduled to temporarily close lanes and ramps along Interstate 10 in east Tucson for pavement maintenance work to extend the life of the roadway from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday (May 3). Detour signage will be in place.

What to expect on Thursday:

From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., the eastbound I-10 exit ramp to northbound Palo Verde Road will be closed.
From 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., the eastbound I-10 entrance ramp from southbound Palo Verde Road will be closed.
Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., the eastbound I-10 entrance ramp at Alvernon Way will be closed.
Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., there will be a right lane closure on both northbound and southbound Alvernon Way between Irvington Road and Drexel Road near the eastbound I-10 entrance ramp intersection. Traffic will be able to access eastbound I-10 using Benson Highway to Valencia Road.
From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the westbound I-10 exit ramp to Irvington Road will be closed.
From 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the westbound I-10 entrance ramp at Irvington Road will be closed.

The schedule is subject to change due to a variety of reasons, including weather, availability of materials, and mechanical difficulties. ADOT advises drivers to proceed through or near work zones with caution, slow down, and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.

Ward 5 Shread-a-Thon May 12

The Ward 5 Council Office will be holding a shred-a-thon, Saturday, May 12, 8:30 am to 12 noon.  The Council Office is located at 4300 South Park.  For more information, please call 791-4231.