Of like mind
George Clooney and I had the same thought on Sunday, but, of course, his was
global and handsomer.
For eighty-six weeks now I have collected lots of my neighbors' food which
we donate to the Community Food Bank. My thought was, how long can I keep
this up? It's not because I'm bored or tired. I was wondering how long would
my neighbors stay with me because I'm one of those guys who jumps off the
horse just as we both head for the ground.
In his acceptance speech for the Bob Hope Humanitarian Award at the Emmys
Sunday, George Clooney said, in part, "When the disaster happens, everybody wants to
help.The hard part is seven months later, five years later, when we're on to
a new story. Honestly, we fail at that, most of the time.
"So here's hoping that some very bright person right here in the room or at
home watching can help find a way to keep the spotlight burning on these
heartbreaking situations that continue to be heartbreaking long after the
cameras go away."
I read George's words a few hours after I answered my own question. I know
that as long as I stick and stay, my neighbors will do the same because I am
doing something they want and need to do. That's also the answer to Mr.
Clooney's question.
In all of those disasters, large and small, a few people like George, who
see a job to be done, can keep support coming from friends and associates if
they stay the course no matter how dark it gets without the media
lights.That's what my neighbors are doing. They love that I'm in it for the
long haul.
The real trick is to find folks-boots on the ground, as it were-who truly
are helpers. They're Peace Corps types. They love speaking another language
and eating bugs if they have to. (I have to tell you that I like everything
about the Peace Corps and thought about joining but I really need to stay in
a motel every night and take a shower.) So One Can A Week is perfect for
If George wants to affect change, he might think about creating a cadre of
Peace Corps types, train them and then pay them a small salary to help
endlessly. Most Peace Corps volunteers would never come home if they could
count on a little support that never ends as long as they keep helping. Then
George, along with other powerful folks, could round up supplies and keep
them coming. The administrative cost would be low and most of the donated
money would go directly to the people in need. Just people, ropes, horses,
oxen and logs built the Pyramids.
See you Sunday,
Peter Norback, One Can A Week