Tucson - Freedom Walk 2010 - On this same day throughout the country citizens will gather to participate in Freedom Walks. The act of walking together as a nation is unique in design and execution, uniting our citizens behind a commitment to never forget the lives we lost in the attacks on our country.
The purpose of the event is simply to continue this 6 year tradition to reflect on the lives lost on 9/11, renew our commitment to freedom and the values of our country, and to honor our veterans, past and present.
Time: Registration - 10:00 AM
Ceremony - 11:00 AM
Walk is right after the ceremony
Location: Reid Park, 900 S. Randolph Way, Tucson AZ 85716, if you go on 22nd street you go north on Randolph Way, the soccerfield and Ramada #5 are to the left as soon as you enter the park.