Friday, October 28, 2011

Ward 5 October Newsletter

Oct 2011 Newsletter

Ward 5 Newsletter - October (Text)


All registered voters in the City of Tucson have received their ballot from the City Clerk’s Office for the 2011 City of Tucson general election on November 8. On this ballot are the candidates for the respective political parties, running for the posts of Mayor, and for the Council seats in Ward 1, Ward 2 and Ward 4. This is a citywide election, the voters across the City of Tucson can cast their ballots for these four political offices up for consideration this year. Earlier this year, my office brought forward a proposal to have the 2011 Tucson elections conducted through an all-mail ballot. This was done to increase participation while reducing costs. For previous elections, the City Clerk had to run two elections simultaneously, a mail in/early voting ballot election, as well as having polling places – resulting in an increased cost to the taxpayers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


During the October 25, Mayor and Council meeting, an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Tucson and the Tohono O’odham Nation was approved, for a grant of more than $30,000 for a car booster seat and bike helmet initiative.

This grant proposal selected by the Nation and approved by the Mayor and Council, was researched and submitted by Ward 5 Councilmember Richard Fimbres office.

“I want to thank the Tohono O’odham Nation on this grant,” Councilmember Richard Fimbres said. “This will really assist the City of Tucson and its children during these hard, economic times.

Melinda Jacobs and John Ferra, aides to Councilmember Richard Fimbres, had put the grant proposal together.

“Thanks to the efforts of Melinda Jacobs and John Ferra,” Councilmember Richard Fimbres added, “Families in our community who are most in need, will be able to get 500 car booster seats and 500 bike helmets.”

Arizona law requires that all child passengers under age 5 must be secured in a car seat. The seat must meet appropriate height and weight specifications for the child. Arizona does not have a statewide bicycle helmet law, but in 1993, the City of Tucson passed an ordinance requiring anyone under the age of 18 to wear an approved bicycle helmet on city streets.

Councilmember Fimbres wants to distribute the bike helmets and car booster seats to those in need, city wide. Further information on this initiative will be coming in the near future.

Sun Tran Report for September 2011


Sun Tran’s purpose is to provide those who can’t afford a car, transportation to get to and from work, to school, to a doctor’s appointment and to be able to survive in our City.

More than 90% of the Sun Tran routes service the City of Tucson, which provides more than 80% of the funds to operate the system, in addition to what Tucson citizens are paying at the fare box.

The facts speak about Sun Tran’s purpose.

According to the Sun Tran Report of September 2011, the average passengers per hour was 31.2, of which the top ten routes of passengers per hour, five of the routes, #8, #7, #24, #6 and #29 service Ward 5. The bottom 13 are the express routes.

(Route 8 – 40.5, Route 7 – 39.9, Route 24 – 38.2, Route 6 – 34.7 and Route 29 – 34.7)

This is a pattern that continues for the following:

The total ridership was 1,777,419, according to the September Sun Tran Report, of which 30%, or 534,540, were from these five routes.

(Route 8 – 278,442, Route 6 - 116,148, Route 7 – 72,574, Route 29 – 42,871 and Route 24 – 24,505)

The average revenue per hour for Sun Tran was $18.68, for which these five routes above average.

(Route 8 - $21.64, Route 6 - $21.66, Route 7 - $24.43, Route 29 - $20.75 and Route 24 - $23.00)

The average cost per pass was $2.86, for which these five routes that service my Ward were below average.

(Route 8 - $2.14, Route 6 - $2.53, Route 7 - $2.28, Route 29 - $2.62 and Route 24 - $2.27()

The average subsidy per pass was $2.27, for which these five routes that service my Ward were below average.

(Route 8 - $1.61, Route 6 - $1.90, Route 7 - $1.67, Route 29 - $2.02 and Route 24 - $1.67)

For all of these, the bottom 13 again were the express routes.

Tucson will be facing tough decisions in the forthcoming year and it is important that those who ride Sun Tran’s buses, and most importantly, speak to the Mayor and their Councilmember.

Friday, October 21, 2011


More than 40 students, from Sunnyside, Desert View and Sahuarita High School, as well as eighteen community leaders, were honored for their achievements by Pima County Supervisor Ramon Valadez and Ward 5 Councilmember Richard Fimbres.

These awards were presented at the Kino Community Center, with more than 200 in attendance.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


City of Tucson parking enforcement agents will not ticket motorists in
the neighborhoods surrounding the University of Arizona for the
University of Arizona football game. Neighborhood parking restrictions
will be lifted beginning at 2 p.m. and will last throughout the night.

City of Tucson parking enforcement agents who are on duty tomorrow will
ticket motorists for safety violations such as parking in the wrong
direction (facing oncoming traffic) on a residential street, parking on
a sidewalk, parking within 5 feet of driveway, parking within 10 feet of
alley and parking within 30 feet of an intersection, and parking in
front of a fire hydrant or in a red zone.

Vote in 2011 Tucson General Election

Tucson City Council General Election: Vote-by-mail ballots were dropped in the mail on October 19. Voters will begin receiving their ballots today.
Early Voting location: Tucson City Clerk Election Center, 800 E. 12th Street, open October 20-November 7, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Mon.-Fri.)
All vote-by-mail ballots must be in the possession of the City Clerk by 7:00 p.m. on Election Day in order for your ballot to be counted. The final day to vote (Election Day) is Tuesday, November 8. For a list of voting locations on Election Day see
Please remember to sign and date the affidavit portion of your ballot envelope.
The sooner you return your vote-by-mail ballot, the sooner the phone calls to your home reminding you to vote will stop. So do it today!

National Take Back Initiative, October 29

Anyone wishing to turn in old medication is welcome!

When:  Saturday, October 29, 2011

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Where:  Westside Police Service Center

1310 W. Miracle Mile

Prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding your homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted  prescription drugs.

Please no sharps, aerosols, or liquids.

Arizona Republic Editorial

October 19, 2011 |
Mexicans spend billions here

The Arizona Republic

Arizona has been focusing on the problems associated with the Arizona-Mexico border for so long that it may be missing something.

When Tucson looks south, for example, it sees dollar signs.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

General Election Ballots Mailed Out Today

The ballots for the 2011 Tucson general election are being mailed out today, by the City Clerk’s Office.

All registered voters in Tucson will be receiving a ballot for this election.

Under the Tucson City Charter, all registered voters in the City, will have the opportunity to cast their vote for Mayor, as well as for the three City Council seats in Ward 1, Ward 2 and Ward 4.

For more information, call the City Clerk’s Election Office, 791-3221.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Rothschild for Mayor - Arizona Daily Star Endorsement

Being the mayor of Tucson, the 33rd largest city in the US, is a difficult and largely thankless position of limited authority.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Work continues on Mariposa Road in Nogales next week

The Arizona Department of Transportation will continue work along and near State Route 189 in Nogales next week to make the drive along this roadway smoother.

Friday, October 14, 2011


TUCSON - The City of Tucson Department of Transportation (TDOT) has begun a residential street paving program in five different neighborhoods that consists of crack sealing, filling potholes and chip sealing.

This work began Monday and is scheduled to last through the end of November 2011, weather permitting. Work hours are Monday through Thursday, 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
One of the first chip seal projects will be for the Bravo Park Lane Neighborhoods:  Fair Street, Irvington Road, Campbell Avenue and Park Avenue.

Bravo Park Lane is one of the most active neighborhoods, thanks to the commitment and support of their neighborhood association,” said Ward 5 Councilmember, Richard Fimbres.  “It is a vibrant neighborhood, with a wonderful educational institution situated in it, Van Buskirk Elementary.”

A significant portion of the funding for this effort, as well as the other four neighborhood areas, was achieved through the actions of Councilmember Richard Fimbres, who got funding from a land sale in his Ward, to be directed towards repair roads across the City.

In June of this year, the Mayor and Council had approved a sale of two city-owned parcels, in the Southwest corner of Kino and 22nd Street, located in Ward 5.  
Originally, the City had purchased these parcels in 2008, using HURF (Highway User Revenue Funds).  HURF funds are used for roadwork and maintenance.  This purchase was for a road project for which the project’s scope was changed.  

The purchase of these parcels by a private development company, totaled $585,000 in HURF Funds, which Councilmember Fimbres directed towards using for road repair across the City of Tucson. 

“Constitutents in my Ward, as well as across the City spoke loudly about the need for our roads to be repaired,” said Councilmember Richard Fimbres.  “This transaction and approval by my colleagues on the Council will work towards repairing roads in Tucson.”

In addition, funding from the surplus left over from the Mayor and Council’s budgets, totaling $240,000, was also put towards this effort, per Mayor and Council vote.

These five neighborhoods across the City of Tucson, will be completed by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2012. 

MTCVB Honored for their work


Beginning Monday, October 17, 2011 through Friday, October 21, 2011,
NAC Construction will begin placing rubberized asphalt on Speedway
Boulevard from Camino Seco to Bonanza Avenue. Crews will be working from
6:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tucson Police officers and contractor flaggers
will be in the area to assist directing traffic through the area.  At
least one lane of traffic in both directions will be open at all times.

OSB Scoping Meeting - Oct. 19

After repeated requests by the City of Tucson for an additional Operation Snowbird Scoping meeting strategically located insidethe city limits the United States Air Force has established a Third and FINAL meeting on Wednesday October 19th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m..

This Scoping Meeting will be held at the Randolph North Golf Course Copper Room @ 600 South Alvernon Way which is conveniently located in the heart of our city.

Representatives from the United States Air Force, Operation Snowbird, and Gulf South Research Corporation, as well as experts on NEPA, will be available to answer questions about the proposed action and alternatives currently planned for consideration in the environmental analysis.

Tucson Mexico Sister Cities Update

Dear Members and Friends:

This is a reminder that Tucson is having a very special celebration this weekend. The Tucson Meet Yourself Folklife Festival is free and takes place in downtown Tucson.

Halloween at Quincie Douglas - Oct. 31

Halloween at Quincie Douglas Library, 1585 E. 36th St., 6 to 8 pm, Monday, Oct. 31, For the kids will be: trick or treating in the stacks, crafts, face painting, games, and scary story telling.


One of the new projects listed is for the wonderful new building on Ginter Road in Ward 5.  An additional $14 million in commercial and development construction permits were taken out, showing things are moving in Tucson.

Media Pdsd Sep 2011

ES & TUSD Partner to Collect Used Sneakers for Recycling

City of Tucson Environmental Services (ES) and Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) are sponsoring a sneaker collection drive through the Nike ReUse-a-Shoe program. From now through October 21, 2011, nine TUSD schools will be asking their students to collect old sneakers for recycling.

“This is a great opportunity for students to easily participate in and learn about the benefits of recycling,” said Tina Cook, TUSD Energy Projects Manager.  TUSD offers recycling at 98% of their facilities which has saved the district on waste disposal costs while enabling students and staff to be environmental stewards. After the collection event ends, ES will ship the used athletic shoes to the Nike factory, where they are broken down, with the resulting grind used for athletic court surfaces and in new shoes.

Students can deposit their used athletic shoes into labeled metal containers delivered to the participating schools. The City will be weighing and keeping track of shoes collected from each TUSD school and the results will be presented to the schools and announced on America Recycles Day, November 15, 2011.

Residents who want to help in the shoe collection drive can bring their old sneakers to any City Council Ward Office or City Hall during the month of October. For more information, visit

Sunday Brunch Market

Join the fun at the Mercado San Agustin farmers market every Sunday. For more information, go online to

Hopefest 2011 - Oct.22

Hopefest 2011 will take place Saturday, Oct. 22, starting at 9 am, at Kino Stadium, 2500 E. Ajo Way. For more information, call 751-4673.

ADOT Update - I-10 - Prince Construction Project

The Arizona Department of Transportation will close the eastbound I-10 frontage road between El Camino del Cerro/Ruthrauff Road and the eastbound I-10 Prince Road exit ramp at 5:30 a.m. Monday (Oct. 17). The frontage road will remain closed for up to three months for utility work. The eastbound I-10 Prince Road exit ramp will remain open. Access to businesses in the area will continue to be available at all times. Travelers wishing to access businesses west of Prince Road and I-10 can use the westbound I-10 exit ramp at Prince Road.
In addition, the Union Pacific Railroad will close Ruthrauff Road, east of the westbound I-10 frontage road, for railroad crossing repairs beginning at 6 a.m. Thursday (Oct. 20) through Friday (Nov. 4). All I-10 exit and entrance ramps and frontage roads at Camino del Cerro/Ruthrauff Road will remain open during this work.
The frontage road construction (not including the railroad work) is part of the Interstate 10 widening project between Ruthrauff Road and Prince Road in Tucson.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Local businesses are invited to learn more on license requirements and
reporting privilege (sales) and other taxes at a free open house
sponsored by the City's Finance Department.

Date:       Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Time:       10:30 a.m. - Noon
Place:      Woods Library
3455 N. 1st Ave.

Participants will learn about Tucson’s privilege and use tax
licensing and reporting requirements.

Subjects covered include retail and rental activities. Other subjects
will be discussed upon request. Staff from the City’s Tax Audit
Section will host and answer questions.

Call 791-4681 for reservations and further information.  If you require
an accommodation or materials in accessible format or require a foreign
language interpreter or materials in a language other than English for
this event, call 791-4681 in advance.

Additional Business Privilege Tax information may be found online at

Tucson Meet Yourself - Oct. 14 through 16

Public Invited to Community Garden and Tree Planting Ceremony St. John’s Church and Tierra y Libertad Organization

In the spirit of urban green living and creating communal spaces, Tierra Y Libertad Organization (TYLO) has teamed up with St. John the Evangelist Church & Parish School and Casa San Juan Migrant Center in the southside’s Wakefield neighborhood to create a school/community garden that will serve as a gathering point for families and students. The public is invited.

Grijalva Highlights Oct. 15 Start Date for Medicare Open Enrollment Season, Asks Medicare Opponents To Explain Their Alternative

Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today highlighted the upcoming Oct. 15 start date for this year’s Medicare open enrollment season. The season extends until Dec. 7, giving eligible seniors seven week to choose the plans that will cover them during the following year.

According to information from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, “Every person with Medicare will have to choose a ‘Part D’ plan to help them pay for prescription drugs. And people [enrolled] in a ‘Part C’ Medicare Advantage plan for their basic health care services have the option of staying in that plan, choosing a different plan, or going back to the Original Medicare program.” Chosen coverage plans take effect Jan. 1, 2012.

SUN TRAN routes on detour this weekend

Several Sun Tran bus routes will be on detour this weekend due to community events.  Multiple bus stops will be temporarily discontinued, and passengers may experience delays. Customers are encouraged to visit the website or call customer service for alternate boarding locations.

Routes 3, 7, 8, 16 and 102X – Thursday, October 13 – Sunday, October 16
Due to the Tucson Meet Yourself event, Sun Tran Routes 3, 7, 8, 16 and 102X will be on temporary detour in the downtown area beginning at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 13 through Sunday, October 11. 

Routes 9, 15 and 20 – Sunday, October 16
These routes will be unable to serve the stop on the University of Arizona Mall on Sunday, October 16, to accommodate the Aids Walk 2011 event. 

Passengers are encouraged to visit or call Sun Tran’s Customer Service Center at (520) 792-9222 (for individuals with TDD equipment call: 520-628-1565) for more information.  The Customer Service Center is open weekdays 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and weekends from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.   

Pavement maintenance work on Interstate 19 near Sahuarita this week

The Arizona Department of Transportation is scheduling pavement maintenance work on Interstate 19 near Sahuarita this week as follows:
  • From 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday (Oct. 14), the right lane of northbound I-19 north of Sahuarita Road to Pima Mine Road will be closed so that rejuvenating oil can be applied to the roadway surface. Drivers can expect delays of up to five minutes.
  • From 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Friday (Oct. 14), the right lane of southbound I-19 south of Sahuarita Road to Pima Mine Road will be closed so that rejuvenating oil can be applied to the roadway shoulder. Drivers can expect delays of up to five minutes
The construction schedule is subject to change due to a variety of reasons, including weather, material availability and mechanical difficulties. ADOT advises drivers to proceed through or near work zones with caution, slow down, and be alert for construction equipment and personnel.


Beginning Thursday, October 13, 2011, through Monday, October 17, 2011, the events listed below will require the closure of some downtown streets.

Your Weekly Latino Update from the White House

¡Buenos Dias!

Hi, I’m Julie Rodriguez, the new Latino liaison for the White House Office of Public Engagement. I’m joining the Office of Public Engagement from the Department of the Interior and I am thrilled to work with the Latino community on outreach for this administration. Expect weekly updates from me and our office, as well as special updates on what President Obama and this administration are doing for Latinos across the country.

Know Where To Throw

In October Environmental Services (ES) will kick off “Know Where to Throw”, a new waste diversion program that will help Tucsonans in need while saving precious space in our landfills. The goal of the program is to inform Tucsonans about all the recycling and reuse options available to them in the community.

Saturday Oct. 15 - Tucson Arizona Immigration Solutions Conference

The next Arizona Immigration Solutions Conference, which will be held this Saturday, October 15, 2011 from 9:30AM to 4PM at the Tucson Convention Center, Turquoise Room, 260 S Church Ave, Tucson, AZ 85701.

Grijalva Congratulates Pima County on $1.3 Million Dept. of Labor Grant for Southern Arizona Technical Career Pathways Project

Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today congratulated Pima County on a $1.3 million grant from the federal Department of Labor (DOL) to finance the Southern Arizona Technical Career Pathways Project.


The City of Tucson November 8, 2011 General Election ballots will be mailed on October 19.  The election is for the office of Mayor and for Council Members in Wards 1, 2 and 4.

In the Primary Election some voters overlooked a few details when returning their ballots.

Friday, October 7, 2011

OSB Scoping Meeting - Oct. 19

As you know, the Air Force is currently conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) of Operation Snowbird tenant operations at Davis-Monthan.  The EA will evaluate the current and potential environmental impacts associated with proposed changes to the OSB program.  Public input into that process is critical and we are pleased it was strong during the 27 & 28 Sep scoping meetings.  Regretfully, the meeting held in central Tucson conflicted with the Mayor and Council meeting and may have limited some additional citizen participation.

In an effort to invite more public participation in the process, Air Combat Command has negotiated an additional scoping meeting will take place Wednesday 19 Oct, 5:30PM - 8:00PM in the Copper Room, Randolph Golf Course Complex, 600 S. Alvernon Way.

TDOT Update

Beginning Saturday, October 8, 2011, through Sunday, October 9, 2011,
several downtown streets will be closed for various downtown civic

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Except as noted below, City Hall and City business offices, including
all Council offices except for Council Member Regina Romero’s Ward 1
office will be closed on Monday, October 10, 2011, for a furlough day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Records Request Update

Honorable Mayor and Council Members,

We have received and responded to a request for your office e-mail lists
from Larry K. Lewis the Executive Director of the Rio Nuevo Multipurpose
Facilities District.

As previously discussed, these lists are generated in the course of
conducting the City's business, and are therefore subject to release under
the public records law in Arizona.  When we get a public records request, we
can't ask what the purpose of the request is, except that we can ask whether
it is for a commercial or non-commercial purpose.  If it's for a commercial
purpose, that doesn't mean we get to withhold the information; it means
instead that we can charge for the release.

You may send out an email to those on your list letting them know of this

It is recommended that Mayor and Council Offices advise citizens who want to
add their names to their lists that by doing so, they make their information
subject to release as public record.  Here is language that you could use:

"Please note that when sharing your email address with an office of the City
of Tucson, it may be required to be released in response to a public records
request by a member of the public under the Arizona Public Records Act."

Roger Randolph, MMC
City Clerk
City of Tucson, Arizona

Court Overturns Michigan Affirmative-Action Ban

Monday, October 3, 2011

Renewing the American Dream: Hispanic Appointees Working to Win the Future

Today’s Spotlight: John Fernandez is U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development

Vamos a Tucson Baseball Fiesta Update

Tickets are on sale for the Vamos a Tucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta, to be held October 7 - 9 at Kino Stadium (2500 E. Ajo Way, Tucson, AZ 85713) in Tucson. Tickets can be purchased in person at Kino Stadium, on the phone by calling (520) 434-1367 or online via

The Vamos a Tucson Mexican Baseball Fiesta is coming up October 7-9 at Kino Stadium and we are beginning to learn the players who will be coming to Tucson:

Hermosillo Players

Erubiel Durazo: Durazo is from Hermosillo and played seven seasons in the Major Leagues with the Diamondbacks and Athletics.

Edgar Gonzalez: The former Arizona Diamondback is from Mexico and has pitched eight seasons in the Major Leagues.

Humberto Cota: Cota spent seven seasons as a catcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He is also from Mexico.

Mexicali Players

Oscar Robles: The former Los Angeles Dodgers infielder is from Tijuana, Mexico.

Geronimo Gil: Nicknamed "The Chief," Gil has played six seasons in the Major Leagues. He is from Oaxaca, Mexico.

Oscar Villareal: The former Diamondbacks pitcher is from Nuevo Leon, Mexico and also pitched for the Braves and Astros.