Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Help us to select the slogan for this year's 30th El Tour de Tucson!
Each year El Tour has a slogan to best represent that year's ride.
Last year's slogan was: "El Tour, all about giving". In 1999, our
slogan was: "The last century of the Century". Other slogans included:
"Wellness on Wheels", "Ride of a lifetime", "For the Health of it", "El
Tour, the journey is the reward".
For this year, 2012, our "30th El Tour", we're looking for a slogan
that represents 30 El Tours and Arizona's 100th birthday. We want the
slogan to represent celebration, challenge, surviving, continuance and
accomplishment. You are invited to help us select this year's slogan!
The person submitting the selected slogan for this year will receive a
complimentary entry into the 2012 El Tour plus $100!
To help you be the "El Tour Slogan Winner of 2012", all you need to do
is: send the slogan you would like to see best represent this year's
30th El Tour to media@perimeterbicycling.com. Please do not submit any
more than two different slogans. Deadline for slogan submission:
Monday, July 16th @ 5:00 pm. The 2012 slogan will be selected at the
July 17th Board Meeting and announced on FaceBook before Friday, July
Just to get you started, here's some slogans already submitted:
(001) Coming full Cycle
(002) Celebrate the Challenge
(003) 2012: History in the Making... Celebrating Three decades of El
Tour de Tucson and Arizona's Centennial
(004) Past, Present, Future
(005) Coming of Age
(006) The History Tour
(007) Going the Distance
(008) Looking Back, Looking Forward
(009) Meeting Milestones Together
(010) Since it is the 100-years of AZ, and El Tour is about 100-miles
how about:
“Cycling toward the next Century”
(011) “30 El Tours and still in love”
(012) 130: 100 and 30 YEARS! El Tour IS Arizona
(013) A Diamond Tour for AZentennial
(014) Celebrating Arizona’s centennial and 30 years of personal
challenge, compassion, and fun.
(015) Celebrating 30 years of personal challenge and Arizona’s first
100 years
(016) A birthday toast: “Here’s to OUR health – Arizona, 100; El
Tour, 30”
(017) For the love of cycling ...