Sunday, July 1, 2012
Modern Streetcar Construction Update
Tucson Modern Streetcar
Construction Update
Welcome to the City of Tucson Modern Streetcar Project Construction Update. If you have any questions or concerns, call the info line at 624-5656 to speak to a team member about the project.
This update is for the week of July 2, 2012.
Please note: Roadway closures indicate areas where roads are closed to vehicular and bicycle traffic. Pedestrian access adjacent to these closures will be maintained at all times. Cyclists must walk their bikes while using the sidewalks.
I-10 and West End of Line
This area of the project includes the west side of Interstate 10, Cushing Street under I-10 to Granada Avenue and Granada Avenue to Congress Street. Traffic control in this area is as follows:
No traffic control associated with the Modern Streetcar project is scheduled in the west side of I-10 area for the week of July 2, 2012.
This area of the project includes Congress Street and Broadway through downtown from Granada Avenue to 5th Avenue. Traffic control in this area is as follows:
During the week of July 2, the contractor will continue overnight utility work at the intersection of Church Avenue and Congress Street.
On Sunday, July 1 through Tuesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 5, the contractor will work from 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following morning.
North and Southbound traffic will not be permitted through the intersection. Detour signs will be in place to direct motorists around the work area.
Right turns from southbound Church Avenue to Congress Street will be allowed.
On Monday, July 2 from 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m. the intersection of Stone Avenue and Congress will be reduced to one travel lane while the contractor completes underground utility work.
On Sunday, July 1 from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m., waterline installations will be performed on Congress Street between Stone and 6th Avenues. Sections of the north sidewalk midblock between Stone and 6th Avenue will be closed during this work. Business access will remain open at all times.
Monday, July 2 through Wednesday, July 4 from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Congress Street at 5th Avenue will be closed as crews install waterlines in the intersection.
ONGOING: Congress Street is closed to vehicular and bicycle traffic between Toole and Church Avenues. This closure is in place to allow the contractor to remove the existing roadway, complete underground utility work, rail placement and installation of the Overhead contact System (OCS).
With the exception of Scott Avenue, all other Congress Street intersection of will remain open the majority of the time.
ONGOING: On-street parking will not be permitted along Broadway between Granada and Fifth Avenues.
ONGOING: Scott Avenue is closed at Congress Street.
Fourth Avenue and University Boulevard
This area of the project includes 4th Avenue from the 4th Avenue underpass to University Boulevard, University Boulevard to Main Gate Square, and Park Avenue to 2nd Street. Traffic control in this area is as follows:
Beginning at 5 a.m. on Saturday, June 30, and Monday, July 2, the contractor will place the first lift of pavement on Fourth Avenue between Sixth Street and University Boulevard. Haul trucks delivering materials will enter the work area from side streets along the work area. Paving will begin at Sixth Street and progress north to University Boulevard. Side street connections will be paved on Monday, July 2. Residents and businesses should be alert for personnel and heavy equipment in the area.
The final lift of pavement is scheduled to be placed in mid July. Final details will be provided prior to the work beginning.
ONGOING: The intersection of Sixth Street at Fourth Avenue is reduced to one travel lane in each direction.
Left turns from westbound Sixth Street to Fourth Avenue are prohibited. Fourth Avenue businesses located south of Sixth Street can be reached by using Third or Fifth Avenues.
ONGOING: University Boulevard is closed to vehicular and bicycle traffic between Third Avenue and Euclid Avenue and between Euclid and Park Avenues for the removal of the existing roadway, underground utility work, rail placement and installation of the OCS.
The intersections of University Boulevard with Bean Avenue, Second Avenue, Jacobus Avenue, First Avenue and Tyndall will be closed to through traffic.
Third, Euclid and Park Avenues may have intermittent lane restrictions during this work.
ONGOING: 4th Avenue is closed to vehicular and bicycle traffic between 6th Street and University Boulevard.
U of A and Health Sciences Center
This area of the project includes 2nd Street to Warren Avenue, the Warren Avenue underpass and a section of Helen Street that connects to the Health Science Center. Traffic control in this area is as follows:
On Monday, July 2, the Warren Avenue Underpass will be closed. The closure is expected to be in place for approximately eight months while the contractor completes the removal of the existing roadway, underground utility work, rail placement and installation of the Overhead Contact System. Detour signs will be in place to help direct pedestrian and bicycle traffic through the area.
The contractor will begin installing conduit for the traffic signals at the intersection of Mountain Avenue and Second Street. The intersection will be completely closed during this work.
The intersection will be closed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on the following nights: Sunday July 1, Monday July 2, Wednesday July 4 and Thursday July 5.
Through traffic and all turn movements at the intersection will be prohibited during this work.
On Monday, July 2, the contractor will begin installation of a 16 inch waterline along Martin Avenue between First Street and Speedway Boulevard. In order to cause as little impact as possible to the traveling public, the contractor will conduct the work in sections.
The first section of work will be along Martin Avenue, between First and Second Streets. The intersection of First Street and Martin Avenue will remain open. Advance notice will be given prior to the waterline work crossing the intersection and impacting traffic.
On Monday, July 2, Helen Street will be closed between Martin and Cherry Avenues for waterline work.
The intersection of Cherry Avenue and Helen Street will remain open throughout most of this work; however, there may be intermittent lane restrictions to accommodate workers and equipment.
ONGOING: Second Street is closed to vehicular and bicycle traffic between Park and Mountain Avenues and between Highland and Warren Avenues for the removal of the existing roadway, underground utility work, rail placement and installation of the OCS.
The intersections of Second Street with Palm Drive and Olive Road are closed.
Access to the Second Street Garage will be maintained.
Highland Avenue will remain open to allow northbound vehicular travel between First and Second Streets. The intersection of Cherry Avenue at Second Street is closed.