The Arizona Cesar E. Chavez Holiday Coalition invites you to the 12th Annual Cesar E. Chavez march this Saturday, March 31, Gather 9 AM for short program at St. John's Catholic Church (Ajo and S. 12th Ave.) March begins 10 AM to Rudy Garcia Park on Irvington Rd. and S. 6th Ave. For Music and Speakers Cesar Chavez was born and died in Arizona. He is one of our own - Arizona's gift to the labor movement and the world. In 2001 Pima County created an admin day off to honor Chavez, much like honored Dr. King in 1991. We are remembering his legacy with our traditional march this Saturday, and you are invited to attend. His native state should honor him with a real and full holiday For more information please call Laura Dent at 520-343-4900 Please feel urged to spread the word. The mission of the Arizona Cesar E. Chavez Holiday Coalition states that its members strive to... "maintain, strengthen, and educate with passion and creativity, the spirit, philosophy, and struggle of Cesar E. Chavez, Dolores Huerta, and the United Farm Worker's Union."