Thursday, June 28, 2012
Thank you Byron!
Good Afternoon Honorable Mayor Rothschild & Council Members,
It has been my pleasure to serve the City of Tucson during the previous
twelve years of my forty year career in our community.
The first few years as Council Member Scott's Chief-of-Staff and concluding
my career working in the City Manager's Office. My experience has been very
rewarding, diverse and professionally stimulating regardless of the project
or assignment throughout the years.
My previous activities in the private sector has served me well as I have
always reminded myself how important it is to remember as public service
employees, we are serving the taxpayers and are compensated with their hard
earned money.
I honestly believe the typical Tucsonian respects and appreciates a
competent public servant but also understandably has harsh words for a public
servant appearing and acting like a bureaucrat.
I consider public service work an honor and have always attempted to provide
quality service to the taxpayer. I honestly believe each of you and members
of your staff also have the same committment and work ethic to the taxpayers
of Tucson.
These are difficult and very trying times for everyone especially
individuals selecting to be a public servant may it be civil service,
appointee or elected. I am convinced with your leadership, vision and
direction the Old Pueblo will once again be the jewel of the Southwest.
I wish each of you the very best as you attempt to address and resolve each
and every taxpayer issue as well as the city as the leaders of this governing
Again, it has been my honor and privilege to have helped you in the past and
hopefully I will be able to continue the solid working relationship we have
been able to achieve for the future.
Respectfully yours,
Byron L. Howard
Special Projects
City Manager's Office