Friday, June 15, 2012

Thomas Price Service Center Update

THOMAS PRICE CENTER UPDATE - Thomas Price Center Update:  The Environmental Services Department has announced they plan to close and remove the four Underground Storage Tanks (UST) located at the Sun Tran Bus Maintenance Facility, 4220 S. Park.  According to Richard Byrd, the Environmental Management Program Coordinator for Environmental Services, this decision was made because most of the bus fleet located at this facility is now using CNG and these fuel tanks are at the end of their designed life expectancy.

The buses which still using fuel, are now located at Sun Tran’s northwest facility, located at 3920 N. Sun Tran Boulevard.   Sun Tran has two above-ground fuel storage tanks, located at 4220 S. Park for the buses which still use fuel and are located at this location.  Byrd said they will not be replacing these tanks.  There is a process for this to happen, and Byrd said and involves the following:  The old tanks are dug up and removed.  Soil samples will be taken and sent to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for Analysis for review for the possibility of contamination, i.e. fuel, since it is a state law dealing with underground fuel tanks and their removal.  If the samples come back with no contamination, ADEQ will give their okay and they intend to put layers of asphalt where the tanks had been.

The Ward 5 office will be updated on this and will get the results of the soil samples as soon as it gets them.  If you have any other questions, please contact Brian Conte (837-6319) or Richard Byrd (837-3710).