Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2011 NIIW-VWA US-Mexico Border Events

Photos and video of the Tucson NIIW/VWA Inaugural Ceremony and other related border events where PAHO representatives participated are up on our Web site, please feel free to share the links with other border colleagues. If you would like to use our photos on your Web sites, print/electronic reports, newsletters, etc. feel free to use them they can be downloaded, we would appreciate it, if you can provide the proper credits to our office. If you need any of them in a higher resolution please let me know and I’ll be
glad to email it to you or if you need the complete raw video of any of the interviews as well.

Photo galleries (all first 6 photo albums are related to NIIW/VWA):

Inaugural Event Video:

Or visit our Web site where we will be posting additional materials