Wednesday, August 18, 2010

C of O Night Makes Things Easier For Business Owners

Doing business with the City of Tucson’s Planning & Development
Services Department (PDSD) continues to get easier with the next
Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) Night planned for Thursday, August 26,
from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Offered the last Thursday of the month, since April this service allows
any new or existing business to secure a C of O as required by City
rules. PDSD offices are located downtown at the City/County Public Works
Building, 201 N. Stone Ave., 1st floor.

Documents required for a C of O are the SITE plan and FLOOR plan and,
if available, the last approved C of O for the space or building. A fee
of $247.50 will be charged to cover the cost of Plan Review and

PDSD has made it possible to request a search of these documents from
its records department in advance by emailing the Site address (and
suite #) to Please include name,
business name and contact information.

For special service by appointment, contact Beth Grant, Planning and
Development Services, at 837-4921 or